Showing posts that match tag: climate-change

Read on for posts that relate to climate-change

"Address energy poverty in South Africa's climate commitments so that communities can become climate resilient" - SAFCEI

“Address energy poverty in South Africa’s climate commitments so that communities can become climate resilient” – SAFCEI As South Africa gears up to...

Season of Creation Resources 2023- Let Justice and Peace Flow

Join Christians around the world in celebrating the Season of Creation from 1 September through 4 October. The Season of Creation, which runs from 1...

Comments on First Draft Implementation Plan for the Western Cape Climate Change Response Strategy

The Rural Action for Climate Resilience project has sent its comments on the First Draft Implementation Plan for the Western Cape Climate Change Respo...

SAFCEI comments on the Climate Change Bill draft

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Workshop Invitation: How to comment on the Climate Change Bill - 19 May 2022

The Portfolio Committee on Environment, Forestry and Fisheries has published the new Climate Change Bill [B9 – 2022] for public comment. The Bill se...

Safer and Healthier Places of Worship

On Thursday 3 March SAFCEI achieved a world first. Together with our partners at City of Cape Town’s Disaster Risk Management and the SAPS Explosives...

People of faith oppose Shell: "Environmental rights are human rights. When you violate nature, you violate the people!"


Light a candle for the world’s environmentalists on 10 December 2021 - World Human Rights Day!

Around the globe, defenders of the environment are being attacked, harassed, and murdered, many times in connection with business activities. This has...

SAFCEI joins the Climate Justice Charter Movement at Parliament

SAFCEI joined the Climate Justice Movement today to tell the South African National Parliament that our people asked them to adopt the Climate Justice...

Climate governance in four Southern African Countries: A food systems perspective

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SAFCEI COP26 Statement

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Invitation: COP26 Interfaith Talanoa Dialogue online - 31 October 2021

Ahead of COP26, starting in Glasgow on Monday 1 November, the Interfaith Liaison Committee (UN Special Group) is organising The Informal Interfaith Ga...

Youth Citizenship Journalism Programme

Rural Action for Climate Resilience is looking for youth to join a year-long Youth Citizen Journalism Fellowship Programme. The fellowship aims to amp...

South Africa seems to be ready to implement the Paris Agreement, an international climate change law.

The Paris Agreement was adopted in 2015 by world leaders to address issues of climate change. All countries were mandated to develop an implementation...

Faiths 4 Climate Justice: A Global, Multi-Religious Action on 17-18 October 2021

This weekend, two weeks before this year's international climate conference, COP26, people of faith will sound the alarm for climate justice and deman...

Rural Action for Climate Resilience

The Rural Action for Climate Resilience (RACR) project is partnering with rural community-based organisations and faith leaders to build social, econo...

Regional Interfaith Dialogue: What does your faith say about restoring the Earth? - 1 June 2021

Calling Faith Leaders in Southern Africa!⠀ ⠀ Join us on 1 June 2021 at 10 am (SAST) for a Regional Interfaith Dialogue.⠀ ⠀ Topic: What does your faith...

Earth Day 2021: Regional Interfaith Dialogue and Prayers for the Earth

SAFCEI hosted an online Regional Interfaith Dialogue on “What does your faith say about green funerals?” and Prayers for the Earth for #EarthDay Speak...

Faiths unite for energy and climate justice workshop

SAFCEI hosted faith leaders from the Koeberg and Cape Flats areas for a workshop on energy and climate justice at Goedgedacht Farm near Riebeeck Kaste...



Sacred People, Sacred Earth: Multi-faith Day of Climate Action - 11 March 2021

On 11 March, grassroots people of diverse religions are coming together around the world for the biggest-ever faith-based global day of action to soun...

FLEAT: Dominic Amon Nyasulu to deliver a keynote address at The Road to COP26 online meeting

FLEAT regional group 2 member, Dominic Amon Nyasulu, will be delivering a keynote address at The Road to COP26 online meeting. Nyasulu highlights th...

A New Africa is Possible!

African Climate Justice Groups’ Statement on COVID-19 The COVID-19 pandemic is perhaps the biggest global event in recent decades. The crisis is highl...

Faith, hope and love in a time of COVID-19

By Kate Davies The unfolding of the Covid 19 pandemic is a tragedy of global proportions, bringing with it an immeasurable breadth and depth of human...

To President Ramaphosa: Call Minister Mantashe to account so that we can have a future

By Bishop Geoff Davies We write now to urge you to respond in the same decisive manner as you have in confronting the coronavirus threat to the great...

Southern Africa – Feeling the Effects of the Climate Crisis

By Robyn Bowden “More than 11-million people are now experiencing crisis or emergency levels of food insecurity” due to the “deepening drought and cli...

African NGOs call to stop proliferation of coal, oil and gas ahead of African Union summit

Ahead of this week’s African Union meeting (Feb 9-10), more than 25 organisations, networks and community resistance groups from Africa and around the...

SAFCEI attends the Western Cape NERSA hearings

By Georgina Blumears January saw SAFCEI and faith leaders back, at what seems to be becoming an annual event, a public consultation on rising electric...

Extinction Rebellion Cape Town Coal Conference Protest in Cape Town

[et_pb_section admin_label="section"] [et_pb_row admin_label="row"] [et_pb_column type="4_4"][et_pb_text admin_label=&qu...

NERSA Public Hearings: Have your say on Eskom's tariff increase application

The National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA) announced its timelines to consider ESKOM’s Regulatory Clearing Account (RCA) application for t...

Faith Leader Energy Programme: Workshop 2

We hosted our second Faith Leader Energy Programme workshop on 28th and 29th November at the Shalimar Gardens Hotel in Cape Town. The group of faith...

Interfaith Declaration on Climate Change for COP 25 Madrid, 2019

Faith communities demand climate justice “If we should be true to our faith, we cannot be quiet when we see what is happening,” reads the declaration...

COP 25: Letter to the President of South Africa, the Minister of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries and the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy

Click here to download our letter addressed to The President, the Honourable Cyril Ramaphosa; Minister of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries, the Ho...

Climate Justice Charter Draft

The Co-operative and Policy Alternative Centre, together with the South African and Food Sovereignty Campaign, along with activists on the ground and...

SAFCEI Policy Conference 2019

Prof Tinyiko Maluleke (centre) after delivering his keynote address at the SAFCEI Policy Conference 2019. Photo by Elkan Butler Photography. We host...

Food and Climate Justice: IPCC special report on climate change and land

By Robyn Bowden The IPCC land report: why it is important, what we will be doing, and who am I? Let us start with who I am - My name is Robyn Bowden...

Food inequality in South Africa

By Robyn Bowden It is common knowledge that South Africa suffers from extreme income inequality. But just how unequal is not always clear. Most South...


Media Release 12 October 2019 The People’s Hearing on State Capture is intended to collect and provide evidence of the impact of state capture and cor...

Climate Change Lecture at Masjid-ul Islam (JHB)

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A Plea to the UN from Africa

The United Nations General Secretary, Antonio Guterres knows how serious and destructive climate change is. Recent weather events underscore this. It...

A Call from South African Children and Youth for Climate Justice Action on 20 September

‘We Can’t Breathe!’ Carbon Pollution Kills! Climate Justice Now! A Call from South African Children and Youth for Climate Justice Action on 20 Septem...

SAFCEI calls on the South African government to take the necessary "bold steps" in creating a just future for all


SA’s new cabinet, a blow for efforts against climate change

MEDIA RELEASE 31 MAY 2019 SA’S NEW CABINET, A BLOW FOR EFFORTS AGAINST CLIMATE CHANGE Following the delayed announcement of President Ramaphosa’s c...

Beat Air Pollution this World Environment Day

As the World Environment Day approaches to its remembrance (5th June), with the theme - ‘Beat Air Pollution’ what are your plans as an individual or c...

SAFCEI stands in solidarity with the mining-affected communities of Lutzville and Xolobeni

SAFCEI stands in solidarity with Lutzville and Xolobeni communities and supports the call against corporate bullying, and the protection of environme...

Civil society organisations picket outside Parliament to protest corruption

Several civil society organisations, including the SAFCEI picketed outside Parliament on May 22, as the National Assembly sat for the first time since...

If not addressed, climate change will shift political power structures


2019 Goldman Environmental Prize winners announced

The Goldman Environmental Foundation today announced six recipients of the 2019 Goldman Environmental Prize, the world’s foremost award for grassroot...

South Africans need an enviro-conscious government

South African Secretary-General of Amnesty International, Kumi Naidoo tells parties that if we continue on the path that we are on - with dirty energ...

Pre-election Political Party Manifesto Debate emphasises necessity for environmental-conciousness

MEDIA RELEASE 24 APRIL 2019 While the country’s politicians vie to secure support from citizens in the run-up to the National Elections next month,...

Earth Day 2019: Protect Our Species

Happy Earth Day to our Earth Keepers! Two weeks ago we saw Cape Town Unite for Animals at the Global March for Elephants and Rhinos (and all wildlife)...

B’tzelem Elohim: In God's Image by Steven Jacobs

B’tzelem Elohim Planet Earth is without dispute, one of G-d’s greatest miracles: Located just close enough to the sun to derive benefits of heat,...

Youth rage against climate complacency

Today, young people in Cape Town join the Global Climate Strike, a youth movement protesting against government inaction on climate change. SAFCEI, th...

Social and Economic Justice cannot exist without Environmental Justice

SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC JUSTICE CANNOT EXIST WITHOUT ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE Jan Arkert, SAFCEI's Science Advisor At a time of rapid and significant changes...

"Budget needs stronger focus on enviro issues and decisive plan to address climate change" - SAFCEI

MEDIA RELEASE 21 FEBRUARY 2019 The Southern African Faith Communities’ Environment Institute (SAFCEI) says that it has mixed feelings about the prio...

World Wetlands Day – 2 February 2019

World Wetlands Day – 2 February 2019 Wetlands and Climate Change, the theme for 2019 “we are not powerless against climate change, wetlands are a nat...

Farmers, food activists, academics & policymakers gear up to gather in Cape Town to promote agroecology for the 21st century

Media Release 22 January 2019 The politics of food and its production will be on the menu at a multi-sectoral conference taking place in Cape Town...

SAFCEI joins with civil society in opposing Eskom’s requested tariff increases

SAFCEI MEDIA RELEASE 18 JANUARY 2019 From 14 January, the National Energy Regulator (NERSA) started its public hearings on Eskom’s proposed electrici...

COP24: Reflections on Climate talks in Katowice

By Wellington Sibanda This year The 24th Conference of the Parties (COP24) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) concl...

COP24 - Day 3 Report

Act Alliance "act now for climate justice" at the 24th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Chan...

Public outcry at disappointing energy planning report on Nuclear, to Parliament

On 27 November 2018, the Portfolio Committee on Energy (PCE) delivered its report on the Department of Energy’s (DoE) Integrated Resource Plan (IRP),...

Portfolio Committee on Energy (PCE) report on the draft Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) 2018 Public Hearings

The Portfolio Committee on Energy adopted its report on the draft Integrated Resource Plan (2018). The Department of Energy briefed the committee on...

IPCC Climate Change 1,5 degree report

WESTERN CAPE MEMBERSHIP 22 October 2018 Sir / Madam You may well have read the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) repor...

IRP Hearings - SA public unpacks financial, social cost of Energy Plan

MEDIA RELEASE 23 OCTOBER 2018 Today in Parliament – As the country braces itself for the National Treasury’s Medium-Term Budget, the South...

SAFCEI takes the IRP to the Karoo

MEDIA RELEASE 17 OCTOBER 2018 SAFCEI TAKES THE IRP TO THE KAROO Today, the Southern African Faith Communities’ Environment Institute (SAFCEI) – the s...


On 8 September a Climate Rise Mini-Summit was jointly hosted by SAFCEI,, and WESSA. A diverse group of 170 stakeholders including environmenta...

It’s time for a food revolution in Africa!

Currently, in Africa more than 200 million people are undernourished and approximately 33 million children go to sleep malnourished and hungry every n...

Interfaith statement on climate change - Agadir, Morocco 2017

We, faith-based leaders, networks and organisations representing faith and spiritual communities-- Muslim, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Bah'ai, Brahma...

Church leaders express regret over U.S. climate change decision

Church leaders have expressed their regret over the decision by US President Donald Trump to withdraw from the Paris Agreement on climate change. The...

SAFCEI Statement on U.S. pulling out of Paris Climate Change Agreement

SAFCEI’s Statement on the announcement that the US will pull out of the Paris Climate Change Agreement As many of you are aware President Trump has op...

A call to action on Water

The Theewaterskloof Dam near Cape Town. Picture: Aletta Harrison/EWN As we enter the month of June, our biggest prayer is for rain. The Western Cape...

Water Justice Conference (St George’s Cathedral & The World)

What is water justice? – Sharing! Where is water justice? – In your hearts! A conference – but no ordinary one About water – but with the focus on wa...

Marking Earth Hour in Pretoria

By Lydia Mogano On the 25th of March 2017, everyone was encouraged to participate in the environmental awareness campaign, Earth Hour, to encourage th...

Water - Amanzi

By Frank Molteno “Remember that water is sacred.” – Archbishop Thabo Makgoba Picture courtesy of Glynis Goyns We are water. In substantial measure we...

Drought Proof your Garden or Farm

As the climate increasingly destabilises, drought conditions in Southern Africa will increase. Valerie Payn, who has written the book An Ecological Ga...

FLEAT tackles Climate Change in Tanzania

By Zainab Adams, SAFCEI Outreach Coordinator Day one: I was invited to attend a workshop in Same, Tanzania around “Connecting Poverty to Climate Chan...

Water Justice Conference

Cathedrals and churches on four continents have come together to raise awareness and activism about water. As part of this initiative a conference on...

Nuclear energy crowding out adaptation responses

By Liz McDaid Mining uranium to provide fuel for nuclear power stations can affect the health of people and livestock across vast expanses of land. P...

A case study of FLEAT

By Liz McDaid Looking back as well as towards the future of FLEAT: case study of Sheik Qassim and Andrew Gwambe Sheik Qassim Andrew Gwambe...

Food Sovereignty Festival 2016

The South African Food Sovereignty Campaign is hosting an exciting festival in Johannesburg this coming weekend. The festival serves as a platform t...

FLEAT forges ahead in Zimbabwe

Shared by Rev Canon Blessing Shambare The Anglican Church worldwide has adopted the five marks of mission in their holistic mission drive. The fifth m...

Arbour Week in Tshwane

With Arbour week taking place in the beginning of this month, Lydia Mogano, our Regional Co-ordinator, has been planting trees in Pretoria with variou...

Open letter to Ministers on Eskom

SAFCEI is one of the 28 organisations that signed on to this open letter sent to the Ministers of Energy, Public Enterprises, Environmental Affairs an...

Normal Is Over Screening

SOUTH AFRICAN PREMIERE SCREENING OF “NORMAL IS OVER THE MOVIE” Unique award-winning documentary offering various solutions to reverse the path of glob...

Normal Is Over Screening

SAFCEI is excited to announce the South African screening of the documentary ‘Normal Is Over The Movie’ in August at the Labia Theatre in Cape Town. S...

Eight massive power shifts as demand for fossil fuels fades

By Tom Randall This article was published in Fin24 New York - The way we get electricity is about to change dramatically, as the era of ever-expanding...

“Laudato Si’, mi Signore” – “Praise be to you, my Lord”: Conversations with Pope Francis

In his recent Encyclical, Pope Francis has opened a dialogue on how to take care of our Common Home. He has clearly opened this dialogue to all people...

It's time to break free from fossil fuels

Picture: Ryan Web There is a growing momentum to divest from fossil fuels. With world leaders signing the Paris climate deal this last Earth Day, rel...

Signing the Paris Deal

By Lydia Mogano Today, 22 April 2016, world leaders and dignitaries from all over the will attended a high-level ceremony at the United Nations to off...

Invitation to: COP21 and the struggle for energy democracy

SAFCEI will be presenting an update on the current progress on the SAFCEI/ELA nuclear court case and associated nuclear campaign. The topic will be Nu...

An hour of darkness brings light to climate change

Photo credit: nate2b (Flickr) When last did you gaze up at the night skies and marvel at the beauty of the stars, planets and moon? This March, on Sa...

Normal is Over

'Normal is Over' by Renée Scheltema is a documentary about the bigger picture of what is happening to our planet and the environmental challenges we f...

SAFCEI briefs faith leaders in Durban

SAFCEI spent some time in Durban this week, briefing faith leaders from the Kwazulu Natal Inter-religious Council environmental group on SAFCEI's cou...

FLEAT in 2015

We introduced all our FLEAT members this year – those that joined us in 2014 as well as those that joined beginning of 2015 - and the work they are do...

Day 4 in Paris

By Lydia Mogano Although the beginning of my day was a bit bizarre because of the security constraints we have here in Paris, I still managed to make...

Day 3 in Paris: Water

If nature is the beginning, what is the end? What are we doing to our fresh water? By Lydia Mogano Session title: Water and energy: a nexus for devel...

Day 2 in Paris

By Lydia Mogano and Tahirih Matthee Lydia Mogano and Tahirih Matthee at the Climate Generation Area. Like a big sale season, delegates from across th...

Paris is mobilising

Though Parisians could not march this last weekend of the 28 - 29 November, they are nevertheless engaging in the global climate movement. Here are so...

Global pilgrimage, treading lightly is possible

28 November 2015: Paris By Lydia Mogano The President's security declaration has caused a major shift in civil society's mobilisation for climate just...


29 November 2015 Statement from Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu and the Reverend Canon Mpho Tutu COP21 is not just about the weather; it is a unique...

Cape Climate March

SAFCEI joined the very successful #CapeClimateMarch yesterday, which took place in the city centre of Cape Town. Together with our faith leader puppet...

Watch FLEAT Climate Change Dramas in Tanzania

In preparation for COP21 and to showcase our partnerships, SAFCEI has produced a short video of the work we have been doing in Tanzania around climate...

The WHF Finale

The end of the We Have Faith cycling caravan in Nairobi was marked with 3 summits - The People's Summit, The Faith Leaders Summit and The Parliamentar...

WHF arrives in Kenya as Tanzania calls for committed action

By M'thetho Lungu 09th November, 2015. Namanga Border Post, Kenya and Tanzania. Kenya takes over campaign, as Tanzania calls for committed actions to...

Cycling D-Day nigh - Africa moves to climax

By M'thetho Lungu Frederick Akula, team leader for Kenya's Harambee21, enjoys his one but last breakfast on Africa's biggest climate justice cycling c...

Kumi Naidoo speaks at Cornerstone Institute

By Liz McDaid Kumi Naidoo held a talk called "Preparing for the 22nd Century, Environmentally" at the Cornerstone Institute on 6th November....

Marching for the Climate

We have written a lot about the upcoming UN climate talks – COP21 – in Paris this year, but now that they are around the corner it is becoming more an...

Kenya joins trek, Tanzania gears for 2nd phase

By M'thetho Lungu 31st October 2015. Kenya dispatches 21 of its cyclists tomorrow 1st November for Busia, 450km from the capital city. Their mission i...

WHF reaches 5000kms

25th October 2015, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania By M'thetho Lungu NCA welcomes cyclists in Dar Es Salaam. African climate justice campaign clocks 5,067 km...

WHF in Malawi

By M'thetho Lungu 14th October 2015, Wednesday: Mzuzu, Malawi The evergreen northern city of Mzuzu on 14th October witnesses the official entry of the...

Cycling in Faith

The We Have Faith – Act Now for Climate Justice campaign and cycling caravan is in full swing now, having been on the road for more than a month alrea...

Wheels of change

By M'thetho Lungu 4th October 2015. Lusaka, ZAMBIA. One good turn deserves another. Zambia's core cyclist, Allen 'Super1 Chipolopolo' Namukamba, says...

FLEAT gets underway in Harare, Zimbabwe

Liz McDaid reporting back 29 September 2015 Another FLEAT workshop kicks off in Harare, Zimbabwe. Mr Gabriel Manyangadze opened the FLEAT agenda wit...

Zambia's 'Super 1 Chipolopolo' kicks off solo

By M'thetho Lungu 29th September 2015, Lusaka. ZAMBIA Allen Namukamba, 35, set off 29th September 2015 in a solo cycling deal to the country's capital...

We Have Faith cycling caravan in Zimbabwe

By M'thetho Lungu 22nd September 2015. Bothwell House, Harare. ZIMBABWE French Ambassador to Zimbabwe and Malawi, H.E. Laurent Delahousse was guest of...

Climate Change Hearings at Parliament

22 September, 12pm The parliamentary portfolio committee on environmental affairs is holding public hearings on South Africa's climate change position...

We Have Faith cycling caravan in Zimbabwe

By M'thetho Lungu* 15th September 2015: Zimbabwe cyclists joined faith leaders and community and city officials in collecting signatures for the Afric...

Climate Justice Campaign clocks 1,973 in 22 days

By M'thetho Lungu 19th September 2015. Saturday. Chegutu. ZIMBABWE: The We Have Faith - Act Now for Climate Justice​ campaign has now clocked 1,973km...

Teacher cycles to save Mother Earth

By M'thetho Lungu* 10th September 2015. Tlakweng, Botswana: Tony Kinosi is more than cool, environmentally suave, and a teacher living a green mission...

Botswana President supports We Have Faith campaign

By M'thetho Lungu* 10th September 2015. Botswana: President Ian Khama has boosted the Botswana climate justice cycling campaign by buying one of the c...

Botswana adds 500 trees to world's 3.04 trillion

By M'thetho Lungu* 8th Sept. '15. Gaborone. BOTSWANA: In just two days of its We Have Faith Act Now Climate Justice cycling caravan campaign, Botswana...

SAFCEI's Submission into INDC for COP21

3 September 2015 Attention: Ms. Irene Koenze Department of Environment Affairs and Tourism South African Government. Tel: +27 12 399 8837 E-mail: ccad...

Stakeholder Consultation on SA's position towards COP21

Government is presenting on what South Africa's commitments will be going into COP21, in Paris. James Irlam, Liz McDaid, Bishop Geoff Davies, Sean Br...

Cyclists on the Road of Faith

Rev. Suzanne Matale gives the final blessing at the launch in Maputo. The launch of the We Have Faith cycling caravan has come and gone and the cycli...

Now is the time to act for climate justice

By Louisa Feiter With the COP21 international climate talks coming up in Paris this year – talks that are meant to bring about a universal, legally bi...

Pan African Climate Justice Campaign - Cycling Caravan from Mozambique to Kenya

29 August 2015: Pan Africa Climate Justice Campaign launches with Cycling Caravan from Mozambique to Kenya Please join us by promoting this campaign...

First Islamic Climate Declaration

An International Islamic Climate Change Symposium was held in Istanbul where Muslim leaders from across the world met from the 17-18 August to discuss...

The People's Pilgrimage Petition

On Monday Barack Obama shifted the fight against climate change up a gear. He announced the United States will be massively reducing carbon emissions...

Cycling for Climate Justice

90 days. 9 countries. 6000kms. One million signatures. This is the We Have Faith – Act Now for Climate Justice campaign’s objective, as COP21 in Paris...

Imam Omar questions South Africa’s nuclear path

“There is no such thing as safe nuclear power!” Imam Dr. A. Rashied Omar of the Claremont Main Road Mosque cautioned the congregation who had come to...

Dutch court orders state to reduce emissions

COP 21 is just around the corner and there is much activity around climate action, including in the courts. With this ruling, the Dutch court has show...

Laudata si': The Pope's Encyclical

Pope Francis' First Encyclical regarding Care for the Environment was released on the 18th June 2015. The full encyclical is available a...

Let Justice Flow Down – God and Economics

Let Justice Flow Down – God and Economics a discussion by Bishop Geoff Davies. The world is facing multiple challenges, with burgeoning populations,...

The Earth Statement - Nature needs your voice.

Earth Statement Logo for reducing CO2 levels Leading scientists & economists have defined eight essential elements that world leaders need act on...

FLEAT projects inspire stewardship

In the words of FLEAT graduate Sean Ukomba: “God gave us one earth. Imagine what will happen if every believer could be a steward” SAFCEI’s Faith Le...

Earth Keepers say no to palm oil.

Palm oil is in more than 50% of South African consumer products from baked goods, breakfast cereals, sweets and chocolate, to margarine, cooking oil,...

Renewable Festival Fun for Earth Hour 2015

The Renewable Energy Festival 2015 – a date with the future that promises to be simply awesome! Renewables are not about unplugging old technology an...

Nuclear energy bad for state of our nation

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.” Add prayerful to...

Mc Carthy Samalani – an island in a flood.

When Mc Carthy Jailos Samalani of the Islamic Organisation for Health and Development (ISOHEDE) based in Malawi participated in SAFCEI’s Environment A...

Our responsibility as Earth Keepers

Want to know what SAFCEI is about? Watch this short animation. We want to work with individuals and faith communities, to support each other in our jo...

Pope Francis’s edict on climate is a big deal.

2014 was the hottest year on record. Not afraid of political heat, Pope Francis, dubbed the `superman pope’, is making urgent action for Climate Chan...

Light the way with prayers for Lima

The 20th COP on Climate Change is being convened right now in Lima, Peru, until 12th December. SAFCEI’s Lydia Mogano is attending the public sessions....