Animal Justice
Advocating for a more compassionate world
Our Animal Justice programme advocates for the rights and welfare of all beings, including wild and farmed animals. Our primary campaign is Cage-Free SA, dedicated to ending the use of battery cages for egg-laying hens. We invite you to get involved and help to create a more humane and compassionate world for all living creatures.
Cage-Free SA:
Making battery cages a thing of the past
Cage-Free SA is a campaign to end the use of battery cages in Southern Africa and stop the cruel confinement of hens. We are asking the food industry to transition to cage-free eggs as soon as possible and calling for an end to the use of cages for egg-laying hens by 2030. #CageFreeSA
What’s wrong with cages?
Chickens are among the most intensively confined animals in agriculture. The Humane Society reports that a caged hen lives in a space smaller than a sheet of A4 paper. Battery cages deprive hens of their basic needs – such as nests, perches and space to move around and spread their wings.
To see how the majority of hens in South Africa are living in cramped and inhumane caged systems watch this 2-minute video:
Over 95% of all layer hens in South Africa are confined to cages. Cage-free systems significantly improve their lives, allow them to carry out their natural behaviours, and cause less harm to the environment.
Battery cages are unnecessary. Join us in helping eradicate them by 2030.
Join the Cage-Free SA Movement
Add your voice to the #CageFreeSA campaign and take action to help eradicate battery cages.
1. If you buy eggs or chicken, buy eggs that are not from caged hens.
2. Post on social media about the plight of egg-laying hens. You can download content to use in our #CageFreeSA advocacy toolkit
3. Sign up on the form below to get regular updates, actions to take on social media, invitations to public conversations and access to the #CageFreeSA community.
4. Ask your local supermarket and other retailers to ONLY sell cage-free eggs and chicken.
Articles about Cage-Free

Recent Cage-Free Commitments

Progress Tracker
Chicken Watch is tracking how companies around the world are changing the way they treat chickens. See the global progress here: chickenwatch.org.