The Southern African Faith Communities’ Environment Institute (SAFCEI) is a multi-faith environmental justice organisation. We support leaders and their faith communities across Southern Africa to raise awareness, build skills and take decisive action on eco-justice, sustainable living and climate justice.
SAFCEI launched in 2005 following a multi-faith environment conference that called for the establishment of a faith-based eco-justice initiative.
We work with people and communities of all faiths and none, including African Traditional Healers, Baha’i, Buddhist, Indigenous faiths, Hindu, Muslim, Jewish, Rastafarian, Quaker, various Christian denominations and many others.
We are Earthkeepers. All faiths emphasise a spiritual and moral imperative to care for living Earth and all her creatures. We speak out on issues of eco-justice and call for greater leadership on ethical action.
Earthkeepers are green champions who take action for environmental justice, sustainable living and climate justice. We are people from all walks of life who are actively engaged, and encourage others to act for the whole earth - online or in person.
The Earthkeeper network includes individuals, communities and congregations.
Together, we are a movement for Earthkeeping. We’d love you to join us.
To support faith leaders and their communities in Southern Africa to increase awareness, understanding and action on eco-justice, sustainable living and climate change.
People of faith caring for living Earth.
Through collaboration, networking, training, learning, research and action SAFCEI works with people of faith to:
Training Coordinator
Executive Director
Food and Climate Justice Manager
Communications Coordinator
Campaigns Officer
Junior Social Media Coordinator
Finance and Operations Manager
Senior Energy and Climate Justice Coordinator
Programmes Administrator
Programmes Manager
Office Manager / Bookkeeper
Donor compliance and reports
Communications Manager
Climate Policy Coordinator
Cage-Free Campaign Coordinator
Our board of directors are appointed according to our governance needs and are of many faiths.