Energy and Climate Justice

Our Energy and Climate Justice programme campaigns for a just energy transition in the region: which means accessible, affordable and sustainable energy for all.

We advocate for equitable climate policies; support for vulnerable communities adapting to climate change and addressing the root causes of climate injustice.

Support team

Working Together for Energy Justice

SAFCEI is committed to achieving energy justice in Southern Africa. We seek to empower people of faith with information about energy choices and their right to participate in decision-making. We oppose vested energy plans including nuclear energy, uranium mining and fracking, new gas, coal or oil, and advocate instead for renewable energy solutions.

Our strategy involves mobilising leaders and faith communities to build collaborations between faith networks, affected communities and other partners. We work together to halt unethical energy projects harmful to the environment.

We also aim to hold decision-makers accountable for energy policies, striving for an affordable, sustainable, climate-resilient energy system that is just and accessible to all.

Our energy programme aims to:

  • Promote a just and sustainable energy system that respects the rights of people and communities, while addressing the urgent challenges posed by climate change.
  • Advocate for the transition to low-carbon and environmentally friendly energy sources, including solar, wind and hydropower.
  • Campaign for access to affordable, reliable and clean energy, addressing energy poverty and reducing reliance on fossil fuels.
  • A nuclear-free Southern Africa - #NuclearFreeSA.
  • Influence energy and climate policies through consultative processes, submissions and legal interventions.
  • Raise awareness about the interconnectedness of energy, climate and social justice.
  • Empower people and communities with knowledge and skills to actively participate in the transition to a sustainable energy future.
Climate change protesters

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Nuclear Free SA

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Just Energy Transition

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Energy Governance

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Energy and Climate Justice in the News