Support team

Support our mission

Your contribution can help to make a profound difference to the people, communities and planet we serve. It will be used to enable SAFCEI to campaign for a just and sustainable future, for all.

We use funds to drive positive change through:

  • Advocacy campaigns
  • Empowering communities with information
  • Educating faith leaders

An example of how we use funding is our landmark court case against the corrupt nuclear deal. Read more about this ground-breaking case here.

3 Ways to Give

Making a financial contribution is easy – deposit directly into our bank account, donate online via GivenGain or use SnapScan.

Donations to SAFCEI are tax deductible. If you would like a tax receipt, please email your proof of payment to


Make a direct bank deposit to SAFCEI using these details:

  1. Account name: SAFCEI
  2. Standard Bank, Blue Route, Tokai
  3. Account Number: 076659410
  4. Branch Code: 051001
  5. Reference: Donation

Please email your proof of deposit to and let us know if you’d like a tax receipt.


Conveniently donate using SnapScan, a secure mobile payment method. Simply download the SnapScan app from your favourite app store and scan the code.


Support our cause securely through the GivenGain platform. Click below to make a one-off or monthly donation.

Thank you! Your generosity and support enables us to campaign for a more just and sustainable future.

If you’d like to explore other ways you can support our mission, visit the Get Involved page.

For any queries or if you’d like further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us.