Showing posts that match tag: conscious-consumer

Read on for posts that relate to conscious-consumer

OWA Africa Summit

How partners from across the continent met and worked together towards a single goal. The Open Wing Alliance (OWA) hosts an African Summit each year f...

Green Action Week 2020

“It is important for us, not just for today, to look at our waste and consumerism. This is our earth to share, and we must all do what we can to care...

SAFCEI attends the Western Cape NERSA hearings

By Georgina Blumears January saw SAFCEI and faith leaders back, at what seems to be becoming an annual event, a public consultation on rising electric...

Food inequality in South Africa

By Robyn Bowden It is common knowledge that South Africa suffers from extreme income inequality. But just how unequal is not always clear. Most South...

Letter from SAFCEI on Banning Glyphosate in South Africa

[et_pb_section admin_label="section"] [et_pb_row admin_label="row"] [et_pb_column type="4_4"][et_pb_text admin_label=&qu...

ProVeg Plant-Based Heritage Day Braai - 24 September 2019

On Tuesday 24 September, ProVeg will be hosting their annual Heritage Day Braai around the country, together with partners who share their concern fo...

Earth Day 2019: Protect Our Species

Happy Earth Day to our Earth Keepers! Two weeks ago we saw Cape Town Unite for Animals at the Global March for Elephants and Rhinos (and all wildlife)...

Cape Town's food system

Report on the Cape Town Food Systems Field Trip lead by Gareth Haysom and Robyn Park-Ross from the African Centre for Cities (UCT) on 22 January 2018,...

SAFCEI’s Cage-Free Campaign - A big step closer to ethical egg farming


SAFCEI to co-host Veganism & Culture Evening

South Africa is a country lucky enough to have a wealth of different cultures and religions, but culture can often be seen as a barrier to veganism. T...


On 8 September a Climate Rise Mini-Summit was jointly hosted by SAFCEI,, and WESSA. A diverse group of 170 stakeholders including environmenta...

It’s time for a food revolution in Africa!

Currently, in Africa more than 200 million people are undernourished and approximately 33 million children go to sleep malnourished and hungry every n...

Please sign and share this petition to tell Famous Brands that you will not be purchasing any of its products until it stops supporting this heinous animal abuse.

Watch the video below and learn why an increasing number of food companies and consumers are switching to cage-free eggs. Wimpy SA MUGG & BEAN SA...

Christmas captured?

Christmas is a deeply meaningful season of the Christian year. Commercial interests have increasingly turned it into a secular frenzy of unconscious...

World Environment Day: ‘Connecting people to nature’

"Connecting people to nature" – this year’s global theme for World Environment Day. It both reflects what is perhaps our most fundamental p...

A call to action on Water

The Theewaterskloof Dam near Cape Town. Picture: Aletta Harrison/EWN As we enter the month of June, our biggest prayer is for rain. The Western Cape...

SAFCEI Active Citizens Network

We had a wonderful launch of the SAFCEI Active Citizens Network on 6th May and were encouraged and motivated by the interest shown and the knowledge s...

The fight for the Philippi Horticultural Area continues

The Philippi Horticultural Area. Photo: Masixole Feni The Philippi Horticultural Area Food and Farming Campaign has been strongly advocating against...

Bee Line Exhibition

Bees are wonderful creatures and play an integral role not only in the web of life, but also in our cultural lives, with honey being enjoyed and utili...

Water Justice Conference (St George’s Cathedral & The World)

What is water justice? – Sharing! Where is water justice? – In your hearts! A conference – but no ordinary one About water – but with the focus on wa...

Marking Earth Hour in Pretoria

By Lydia Mogano On the 25th of March 2017, everyone was encouraged to participate in the environmental awareness campaign, Earth Hour, to encourage th...

Water - Amanzi

By Frank Molteno “Remember that water is sacred.” – Archbishop Thabo Makgoba Picture courtesy of Glynis Goyns We are water. In substantial measure we...

Philippi Horticultural Area Information Day

Fact or fiction? The Philippi Horticultural Area in our focus… You are invited to attend a tour on Saturday 18th February from 2.00 pm to 5pm at the...

An Ecological Gardener's Handbook

Valerie Payn has shared her work in ecological gardening in previous newsletters. Now the printed copy of her book is out, so if you’re looking for so...

McDonald's commits to sourcing cage-free eggs

On 14 November McDonald's South Africa announced that it would implement a cage-free policy when it came to the sourcing of their eggs, transitioning...

Pigs looking forward to a pork-free Christmas

By Frank Molteno, OWL Pigs are highly intelligent, sensitive, social and fun-loving animals. Picture: courtesy of Green Monday A ‘call to action’ on...

Compassion for all our fellow beings

By Frank Molteno, OWL The burgeoning demands of human society is drowning out the voices of our fellow creatures as they cry for mercy in the face of...

Values underpinning an ethical nation

The rights of mother earth and our obligations to the earth community By Kate Davies Fragile Earth. Painting by the Sudanese artist Dr Taha Hassaball...

Compassion in our food systems

With the slogan, ‘WE’RE NOT LOVIN’ IT, MCDONALD’S SA!’ four local animal protection groups – including SAFCEI through the One Web of Life (OWL) progra...

Feast of the Clowns 2016 celebration #EarthKeepersMustRise

Lydia Mogano with a group of young #EarthKeepers This last Saturday 20th August 2016, SAFCEI participated in the annual Feast of the Clowns festival...

Normal Is Over Screening

SOUTH AFRICAN PREMIERE SCREENING OF “NORMAL IS OVER THE MOVIE” Unique award-winning documentary offering various solutions to reverse the path of glob...

Normal Is Over Screening

SAFCEI is excited to announce the South African screening of the documentary ‘Normal Is Over The Movie’ in August at the Labia Theatre in Cape Town. S...

“Laudato Si’, mi Signore” – “Praise be to you, my Lord”: Conversations with Pope Francis

In his recent Encyclical, Pope Francis has opened a dialogue on how to take care of our Common Home. He has clearly opened this dialogue to all people...

It's time to break free from fossil fuels

Picture: Ryan Web There is a growing momentum to divest from fossil fuels. With world leaders signing the Paris climate deal this last Earth Day, rel...

Free McDonald’s chickens

Caged hens at an egg facility. Our One Web of Life (OWL) programme, together with other organisations, have started campaigning for McDonald to phas...

People of faith – a voice for the voiceless

“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves. Protect the rights of all who are helpless." (Proverbs 31:8) The One Web of Life programme i...

An Ecological Lent

In the Christian tradition, Lent is the time before Easter in which Christians focus on simple living, prayer, and fasting in order to grow closer to...

Normal is Over

'Normal is Over' by Renée Scheltema is a documentary about the bigger picture of what is happening to our planet and the environmental challenges we f...

Food, glorious food

By Louisa Feiter Photo: Pedrik (Flickr) Lazy summer afternoon braai’s, succulent roast with vegetables, spicy rice dishes or curries, freshly made ch...

Local is lekker: 7 Gardening Tips

By Valerie Payn (This is an extract from the e-book An Ecological Gardeners Handbook) This garden at Goegap Nature Reserve. Namaqualand, blends perfe...

Greening our Mondays

No one likes a blue Monday – instead Green Monday South Africa suggests making it GREEN. Green Monday is a new campaign that has just been launched an...


Cape Town, South Africa Humane Society International announced the launch of Green Monday in South Africa. The new initiative, which aims to improve a...

Sacred Garden

By Valerie Payn ‘The Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there He put the man whom He had formed. And out of the ground the Lord God made...

Animals and Humans: Faith Perspectives

As part of marking 2015’s World Day for Farmed Animals and World Animal Day, SAFCEI’s One Web of Life (OWL) programme convened an evening of reflectio...

In Honour of the Honeybee

By Louisa Feiter Honey has a special significance in most religions. In our household on Maundy Thursday we would celebrate with a very simple supper...

What does Nature want?

Human wants are well articulated, marketed and even expanded to a position of status. Most are ultimately provided by Nature: the landscapes whose sca...

Imam Omar questions South Africa’s nuclear path

“There is no such thing as safe nuclear power!” Imam Dr. A. Rashied Omar of the Claremont Main Road Mosque cautioned the congregation who had come to...

Power for People: Nuclear is a moral issue

“As the youngest person in the room and someone who supports renewables, I believe it is fair for me to say: We need to think very seriously about how...

The Earth Statement - Nature needs your voice.

Earth Statement Logo for reducing CO2 levels Leading scientists & economists have defined eight essential elements that world leaders need act on...

Sustaining our Sacred Seas

The warm autumn weather on Freedom Day enticed many South Africans living at the coast to head down to their favourite sea side spot to celebrate 21 y...

Renewal and Hope - lessons from Nature

Have you noticed how busy March and April are on the faith calendars of the world? It is no co-incidence that the northern hemisphere faith tradition...

Earth Keepers say no to palm oil.

Palm oil is in more than 50% of South African consumer products from baked goods, breakfast cereals, sweets and chocolate, to margarine, cooking oil,...