Showing posts that match tag: south-africa

Read on for posts that relate to south-africa

Learning from our campaign: How can we stop the nuclear deal forever?

Today – a panel discussion including faith leaders, community representatives, members of the public, and activists, who have been working to keep nuc...

Nuclear plans for South Africa will face resistance at all levels

Earthlife Africa Jhb, Greenpeace Africa and the Southern African Faith Communities’ Environment Institute (SAFCEI) have officially filed a notice info...

Anti-nuke campaigners demand public participation in the nuclear deal

Yesterday, on the eve of the Finance Minister’s mid-term budget speech, the Stop the Secret Nuke Deal campaign and the Campaign for a Just Energy Futu...

SAFCEI Statement on U.S. pulling out of Paris Climate Change Agreement

SAFCEI’s Statement on the announcement that the US will pull out of the Paris Climate Change Agreement As many of you are aware President Trump has op...

SACC speaks out against corruption in the SA government

The South African Council of Churches (SACC) has spoken out strongly against corruption in South Africa's government. This follows from a report that...

Letter to President Zuma from the Quakers of Southern Africa

Quakers of Southern Africa (Religious Society of Friends) 31 March 2017 President Zuma, We, the Quakers of Southern Africa (Religious Society of Frien...

D-Day for public comment on Govt's proposed Electricity Plan amidst Cabinet reshuffle chaos


Have your say on the State’s Electricity Plan – 3 days to deadline

NEWS RELEASE 29 MARCH 2017 HAVE YOUR SAY ON THE STATE’S ELECTRICITY PLAN – 3 DAYS TO DEADLINE With only 3 days left until the 31 March deadline for pu...

Scrap nuclear power, expand renewable energy sources, urges Archbishop Makgoba

The Anglican Archbishop of Cape Town, the Most Revd Thabo Makgoba, has appealed to the South African government to scrap plans for developing nuclear...

Save the Budget (and the Country), Minister Gordhan. Say 'No!' to Nuclear!

NEWS RELEASE 22 FEBRUARY 2017 SAFCEI, Earthlife Africa Jhb and supporters gathered outside the Cape High Court for the first court hearing on 13 Dec...

Energy minister still taking secret actions on Nuclear Energy

In a surprise move late last year, the Minister of Energy’s legal team, revealed the decision to give the procurement of the nuclear new build to Esko...

Are SA’s Energy Plans a Threat to Citizens’ Human Rights?

Press Release 9 December Are SA’s Energy Plans a Threat to Citizens’ Human Rights? On Tuesday and Wednesday, 13 & 14 December the Southern African...

Public participation is crucial to progressing SA's electricity plan - SAFCEI


Speak out on the Nuclear Deal this 30 November

Join us in marking 2 years of holding nuclear vigils in front of parliament on the 30th November 2016. We will be handing over a statement from civil...

Nuclear energy crowding out adaptation responses

By Liz McDaid Mining uranium to provide fuel for nuclear power stations can affect the health of people and livestock across vast expanses of land. P...

Those without integrity must be held accountable

14 November 2016 Press release: Those without integrity must be held accountable One month after the Public Protector’s State Capture report was relea...

Milestones in our uranium mining and nuclear work

Makoma Lekalala and Liz McDaid signing the final replying affidavit. We have reached several important milestones in our nuclear court case and our w...

Nuclear Court Date Set

The legal team of SAFCEI and Earthlife Africa JHB met with the Judge President today, who set the date of hearing of the application on the nuclear pr...

SAFCEI supports the call to address crises in higher education

In this time of tension in the higher education sector, as the fees debate rages on, SAFCEI supports the call from UCT’s Faculty of Health Sciences to...

“See you in court”

Be part of protecting our democracy and future, donate to the nuclear court case 16 September 2016 Press release “See you in court” Civil society s...

SAFCEI & ELA Jhb's Nuclear Campaign and Court Case

In 2014 SAFCEI became concerned by the indications given that South Africa’s energy future was being decided behind closed doors by foreign business i...

Press releases and court papers

SAFCEI and Earthlife Africa Johannesburg's court papers and press releases on the nuclear court case that ran from October 2015 to February 2017 and i...

Nuclear procurement – government ignores court case

Press Release 9 September 2016 Nuclear procurement – government ignores court case In what appears to be a blatant disregard for the court process, th...

Open letter to Ministers on Eskom

SAFCEI is one of the 28 organisations that signed on to this open letter sent to the Ministers of Energy, Public Enterprises, Environmental Affairs an...

Compassion in our food systems

With the slogan, ‘WE’RE NOT LOVIN’ IT, MCDONALD’S SA!’ four local animal protection groups – including SAFCEI through the One Web of Life (OWL) progra...

Nuclear court case – more missing documents requested

18 August 2016 Media release Nuclear court case – more missing documents requested Legal counsel for the Southern African Faith Communities’ Environme...

Tail wagging the dog

Eskom’s position regarding the advent of renewable energy is worrisome. Alarm bells rang when we heard of the call by the utility for a halt to furthe...

Commemoration of nuclear legacy

3 August 2016 Press release: Commemoration of nuclear legacy “Mr Molefe’s latest pronouncements that Eskom supports nuclear can only be viewed with de...

Nuclear industry prefers to keep the public in the dark

The Pelindaba nuclear reactor plant near Pretoria. Picture: THE TIMES By Neil Overy This article was published in BDLive IN 1994, the Western Cape AN...

Feinstein: SA's must take to streets or will pay billions in nuclear bribes

"We, as South African citizens...need to ensure that our Government is transparent & accountable on what is going to be by far the most expen...

Government finally replies to nuclear court case

Government has finally responded to Earthlife Africa Johannesburg (ELA) and SAFCEI's court papers. The court case was launched in October 2015, and...

Government dragging its heels in nuclear court case

Press release 17th May 2016 According to the court rules, Friday 13th was the day government was supposed to respond to civil society’s application to...

No nuclear bail outs

Press release 11th May 2016 Minister Joemat-Pettersson’s energy budget debate was characterised by some anomalies. The Minister and various MPs spoke...

Is this sanity or incompetence?

Press release 6th April 2016 Earthlife Africa Jhburg and Southern Africa Faith Communities’ Environment Institute (SAFCEI), responded to the latest ne...

Secrecy around nuclear and uranium

It has been 30 years since the devastating nuclear disaster at Chernobyl, which occurred on 26 April 1986. And last month brought the five year annive...

Khutbah for World Water Day

World Water Day Imam Dr. A. Rashied Omar Delivered at Islamic Center of Michiana - South Bend, Indiana, USA on 21 March 2014 Tomorrow, Saturday 22 M...

Nuclear disasters: the long-term effects

Workers position bags of radioactive waste at a temporary waste storage site in Naraha, just outside the exclusion zone surrounding the Fukushima Dai...

SAFCEI's response to SONA 2016

President Zuma’s statement that the government would “only procure nuclear on a scale and pace that our country can afford” is in no way reassuring. Z...

R2K Statement: The right to protest denied for the opening of Parliament!

R2K is appalled by the City of Cape Town’s decision to deny our right to protest. The City, SAPS and SANDF have shut down parliament and the surroun...

Nuclear goes ahead despite omission from NDC

SAFCEI's Regional Coordinator meets with Minister of Eenvironment Edna Molewa at COP debriefing on 27th January 2016 Ahead of COP21 in Paris last yea...


Cape Town, South Africa Humane Society International announced the launch of Green Monday in South Africa. The new initiative, which aims to improve a...

Cycling in Faith

The We Have Faith – Act Now for Climate Justice campaign and cycling caravan is in full swing now, having been on the road for more than a month alrea...

SAIREC kicks off

By Liz McDaid Opening session of the International Renewable Conference hosted in Cape Town for the first time. South Africa is the sixth country, an...

Climate Justice Campaign clocks 1,973 in 22 days

By M'thetho Lungu 19th September 2015. Saturday. Chegutu. ZIMBABWE: The We Have Faith - Act Now for Climate Justice​ campaign has now clocked 1,973km...

SAFCEI seeks an Executive Director

The Southern African Faith Communities’ Environment Institute (SAFCEI) is looking for an Executive Director to succeed Bishop Geoff Davies, SAFCEI’s f...

Morality shut out of energy debate

Minister Joematt-Petterson. Picture: Trevor Samson How ironic! As I walked into the parliamentary energy portfolio committee meeting in my episcopal...

SAFCEI's Submission into INDC for COP21

3 September 2015 Attention: Ms. Irene Koenze Department of Environment Affairs and Tourism South African Government. Tel: +27 12 399 8837 E-mail: ccad...

Parliament: Nuclear going ahead at the cost of democracy

By Liz McDaid Parliament has been a disturbing place to be today... One MP said that they would not allow anti nuclear activists, and also,claimed,tha...

Stakeholder Consultation on SA's position towards COP21

Government is presenting on what South Africa's commitments will be going into COP21, in Paris. James Irlam, Liz McDaid, Bishop Geoff Davies, Sean Br...

Cyclists on the Road of Faith

Rev. Suzanne Matale gives the final blessing at the launch in Maputo. The launch of the We Have Faith cycling caravan has come and gone and the cycli...

Cycling for Climate Justice

90 days. 9 countries. 6000kms. One million signatures. This is the We Have Faith – Act Now for Climate Justice campaign’s objective, as COP21 in Paris...

SAFCEI legal response to SA secret nuclear deals

South Africa's government is poised to commence procurement of up to eight nuclear reactors at a cost of at least R500 billion (more likely R1 trillio...

SAFCEI rejects non-transparent nuclear deals

MEDIA RELEASE SAFCEI questions why South Africa is rushing into nuclear energy. According to latest media reports, nuclear power plants are supposed...


Wednesday 3rd June 2015, 5.30 for 6pm Diakonia Council of Churches, 20 Diakonia Ave Durban...

SAFCEI statement on Xenophobic attacks

God calls us to live in harmony and peace with one another and all of creation. SAFCEI, the Southern African Faith Communities Environment Institute,...

Shell gets cold feet in the Karoo

By Dr Stefan Cramer, SAFCEI Science Advisor Royal Dutch Shell is pulling its top shale-gas people out of South Africa, was the screaming headline news...

Dog-fighting - Cape Times 09-03-2015

Do the right thing and help police arrest those responsible for dog-fighting....

Our responsibility as Earth Keepers

Want to know what SAFCEI is about? Watch this short animation. We want to work with individuals and faith communities, to support each other in our jo...

Response to President Zuma’s State of the Nation Address.

SAFCEI supports the president in his acknowledgement of the youth as our future. Their success in the future will build on the legacy present generat...

Support for SAFCEI's SONA Press Statement

The following organisations and individuals support SAFCEI's 11th February Press Statement on proposed nuclear deals: (Find the Press release "Gi...

VIDEO - Faith 'vigil' against nukes

Board members of the Southern African Faith Communities Environment Institute (SAFCEI) held a vigil outside the entrance to parliament. This was part...

God gave us sun and wind - Best we use them!

All around us, everyday, nature shows us uncountable examples of how to use the earth’s energy efficiently and sustainably. Our advances in harnessin...

Dear Minister Nene,

LETTER FROM BISHOP GEOFF DAVIES TO SOUTH AFRICA'S FINANCE MINISTER The Honourable Nhlanhla Nene, Minister of Finance, Parliament, Cape Town 28th Janu...

Who holds the power?

“Faith communities are seriously concerned at indications that South Africa’s future energy choices are being determined behind closed doors by foreig...

Creation’s YES!

In the spirit of reawakening and restoring our heart and soul connection with nature in 2015, John Roff’s poem While We sleep reminds us that even as...

Summer braais meet your meat!

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated”. Mahatma Gandhi Sharing meals with family and...

Ian Player: A conservation legacy for life.

Dr Ian Player died quietly on Sunday at his home, Phuzamoya, in KwaZulu-Natal, at the age of 87. His name is synonymous with rhino conservation intern...