Showing posts that match tag: nukevigil

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Marking a year of #NukeVigils

SAFCEI is celebrating a year of Nuclear Vigils next week! (21 October 2015) The time has flown since that first time we stood outside parliament in pr...

Imam Omar questions South Africa’s nuclear path

“There is no such thing as safe nuclear power!” Imam Dr. A. Rashied Omar of the Claremont Main Road Mosque cautioned the congregation who had come to...

Power for People: Nuclear is a moral issue

“As the youngest person in the room and someone who supports renewables, I believe it is fair for me to say: We need to think very seriously about how...

Support for SAFCEI's SONA Press Statement

The following organisations and individuals support SAFCEI's 11th February Press Statement on proposed nuclear deals: (Find the Press release "Gi...

VIDEO - Faith 'vigil' against nukes

Board members of the Southern African Faith Communities Environment Institute (SAFCEI) held a vigil outside the entrance to parliament. This was part...

Stop nukes. Prevent democracy meltdown.

The prosperity of all South Africans is based on a democratic system true to the principles of listening to and meeting the real needs of the citizens...

God gave us sun and wind - Best we use them!

All around us, everyday, nature shows us uncountable examples of how to use the earth’s energy efficiently and sustainably. Our advances in harnessin...

Treasury has not Explored Nuclear

SAFCEI has held weekly nuclear vigils outside Parliament, with people of faith demanding ethical governance around nuclear energy. Treasury has respo...