Showing posts that match tag: court-case

Read on for posts that relate to court-case

SAFCEI & ELA Jhb's Nuclear Campaign and Court Case

In 2014 SAFCEI became concerned by the indications given that South Africa’s energy future was being decided behind closed doors by foreign business i...

Nuclear procurement – government ignores court case

Press Release 9 September 2016 Nuclear procurement – government ignores court case In what appears to be a blatant disregard for the court process, th...

Nuclear industry prefers to keep the public in the dark

The Pelindaba nuclear reactor plant near Pretoria. Picture: THE TIMES By Neil Overy This article was published in BDLive IN 1994, the Western Cape AN...

Nuclear and Uranium Mining Update

As reported by Dr Stefan Cramer and Liz McDaid Radiation Hotspot near Beaufort-West. Our work on nuclear and uranium mining continues in full-steam w...

Government dragging its heels in nuclear court case

Press release 17th May 2016 According to the court rules, Friday 13th was the day government was supposed to respond to civil society’s application to...

Govt attempts to undermine legal case against nuclear

Media release GOVERNMENT ATTEMPTS TO UNDERMINE LEGAL CASE AGAINST NUCLEAR Government correspondence provided to Earthlife Africa Jhb (ELA) and the Sou...

Donate to Anti-Nuclear through GivenGain

You can donate to our nuclear court case through our GivenGain page - we appreciate every contribution, no donation is too small! To find an updat...

Latest update on our nuclear court action

Read our latest press releases: 9 September 2016: Nuclear procurement - government ignores court case 18 August 2016: Nuclear court case - more missin...

Press Release: Court Action

Earthlife Africa Jhb and SAFCEI draw the line on Joemat- Pettersson's secret nuclear deal Earthlife Africa Jhb and Southern African Faith Communities'...

Dutch court orders state to reduce emissions

COP 21 is just around the corner and there is much activity around climate action, including in the courts. With this ruling, the Dutch court has show...