Showing posts that match tag: learning-materials_resource

Read on for posts that relate to learning-materials_resource

The role of Nuclear in South Africa’s energy mix

SAFCEI was invited by the Presidential Climate Commission (PCC) for an important webinar on The of nuclear energy in South Africa’s energy mix. The we...

Introduction to a Just Transition

View our presentation on an Introduction to a Just Transition by Tara Nair van Ryneveld here....

What is the Role of Faith Communities in Food Governance?

View our presentation on What is the Role of Faith Communities in Food Governance by Francesca de Gasparis here....

Faith Communities working on Environmental Justice

View our presentation on Africa Climate Week by Francesca de Gasparis here....

The Jargon of Climate Negotiations

View our presentation on The Jargon of Climate Negotiations by Francesca de Gasparis here....

Africa Climate Week report back

View our presentation on Africa Climate Week by Francesca de Gasparis here....

Climate Change and Government

We also shared posters on Climate Change and Government, five steps on engaging your local government on climate change issues. These posters were pro...

Gender Equality for Climate Adaptation

We launched the first booklet in the Popular Education Series at the Regional Workshops in May! The booklet is titled “You Strike A Woman, You Strike...

African faith communities appeal to U.S. congress: Stop funding industrial agriculture, AGRA is hurting Africa

Today, 30 March, the Southern African Faith Communities’ Environment Institute (SAFCEI) joins civil society leaders across Africa to brief U.S. congr...

Lenten Resource: My Little Bits of Good - #FAST4EARTH

"Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.” - Archbishop Desmond Tutu My Li...

Veganuary 2022 Interfaith cooking webinar

Religions for Peace Interfaith Youth Climate Forum, celebrated Veganuary 2022, with an Interfaith cooking webinar. Youth shared their vegan recipes wi...

Climate governance in four Southern African Countries: A food systems perspective

Unable to display PDF file. Download instead. Click here to download a copy....

Sustainable Consumption Workshop Series on Food Security

SAFCEI is running a six-week workshop series on Food Security that will look into practical ways of setting up Agroecological farming projects, develo...

COP and the Cloth: Quantitatively and Normatively Assessing Religious NGO Participation at the Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

Here's a new open-access paper on religious NGOs at the COP: "COP and the Cloth: Quantitatively and Normatively Assessing Religious NGO Participa...

Earth Day: The Time to Act is Now on Climate Justice - a global multi-faith campaign

As #EarthDay approaches, we're sharing GreenFaith International's Multi-Faith Resource with illustrations of grassroots demonstrations around our 10 d...

The Green TLC Wednesday message: Know your Coast

The natural beauty of South Africa is something we are very proud of, and we hope that in time, in a post-Covid19 world, tourists will flock back to o...

Making Peace With Nature: A scientific blueprint to tackle the climate, biodiversity and pollution emergencies

The first UNEP synthesis report is titled: “Making Peace With Nature: A scientific blueprint to tackle the climate, biodiversity and pollution emergen...

The Green TLC Wednesday message: Golden Rule Day

This year, Golden Rule Day synchronizes with Easter, the greatest lesson of unconditional love and forgiveness. Today is Golden rule day. Golden rule...

The Green TLC Wednesday message

Dear Green TLC group, today I would like to share information about the Co2 emissions of South Africa. Carbon dioxide (Co2) is a greenhouse gas that c...

The Green TLC Sunday message

Dear Green Teaching and Learning Community, good morning and a blessed Sunday to you all. This Sunday it is my pleasure to share the prayer Psalm 121...

The Green TLC Sunday message

Who is my neighbour? International Human Rights Day is on 10 December, but in South Africa we commemorate our own Human Rights Day on 21 March, paying...

The Green TLC Sunday message

Following on the theme of the sun from our previous post, we decided to look into the role that the sun plays in climate change. We would like to shar...

The Green TLC Sunday message

The symbol of the sun in Christianity has come to represent life, love, light, warmth, knowledge, and even Jesus himself. Psalm 19 v 1 rejoices: The h...

The Gulf Stream

Dear Green Teaching and Learning Community, on today's Wednesday it is my privilege to post environmental content from the natural sciences for us. Fo...

The creation of the Earth

It is my pleasure to share a spiritual impulse this morning for us. It concentrates on the first two verses of the Bible. The first sentences of the B...

African Coronavirus Stories: Perspectives on COVID-19 Challenges to Livelihoods and Food Systems

The Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA) has launched a new book entitled "African Coronavirus Stories: Perspectives on COVID-19 Challe...

SAFCEI Regional Interfaith Dialogues

We hosted a series of Regional Interfaith Dialogues for faith leaders to share and discuss what their faiths say about our 6 Policy Conference themati...

200 quotations – Interfaith Dialogue

This collection of 200 dialogue and dialogue-related quotations is gathered from a wide range of sources – ancient and modern. This anthology touches...

Learning from nature: Air

Today is the final episode in our series, " Learning from nature". This week we focus on Air. Air is related to ventilation and atmosphere...

Learning from nature: Part 4 - Animals

Today is the fourth ‘episode’ of a 4-part series of Sunday messages, linked to the theme: "Learning from nature" This week we focus on Anim...

Learning from nature: Part 3 - Water

Today is the third 'episode’ of a 4-part series of Sunday messages, linked to the theme: "Learning from nature" This week we focus on Water...

Learning from nature: Part 2 - Trees

Today is the second 'episode’ of a 4-part series of Sunday messages, linked to the theme: "Learning from nature" Today, we look at scientif...

Learning from nature: Part 1 - Trees

Today is the first ‘episode’ of a 4-part series of Sunday messages, linked to the theme: "Learning from nature" The inspiration and foundat...

How Covid-19 has impacted on human-nature interactions

A number of researchers point out a direct link between the destruction of nature and disease outbreaks - highlighting the role of protecting and rest...

The relationship between humans and nature

Our focus today is on the relationship between humans and nature. " For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invis...

A short overview of Ecofeminism

Our focus today is on the statistic that ecological destruction affects the women of the world in a major way, specifically women of the "Two- Th...

The Green TLC Sunday message: "Love the earth as you would love yourself"

"Love the earth as you would love yourself" Although this phrase is sometimes attributed to the American singer-songwriter John Denver, it d...

Green TLC WhatsApp Channel

Today we are starting our Green TLC WhatsApp channel. We want to deliver one content from Christian and one from a natural scientific perspective to y...

The Second Mini-Barefoot Guide ​in the New Agroecology Series

The Second Mini-Barefoot Guide ​In the New Agroecology Series Whole Landscapes, Whole Communities Working with Nature to Heal, Transform and Regenerat...

Creating a Climate for Change

Creating a Climate for Change brochure by Brahma Kumaris Environment Initiative Unable to display PDF file. Download instead. Click here to download t...

Grow your own food garden

'If you want to change the world, go home and love your family. ' - Mother Theresa As a community of Earthkeepers, we recognize the interconnectedness...

SAFCEI energy affordability research

SAFCEI has conducted research that explores what communities will ‘sacrifice’ in order to afford the ever-increasing price of electricity. Click here...

How big is my eco footprint on Earth?

Ecological footprinting is a way of ‘measuring’ the amount of natural resources needed to provide the products we consume and what is required to abso...

Films on Faith and Earth

CelebrationEarth! is delighted to present this series of short films bringing together faith groups, artists and conservationists. These films explore...

Sign on: Open letter to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation from SAFCEI and faith community representatives from the African continent

We launch our open letter to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and appeal to faith community representatives from Africa to endorse. Please endors...

The Green Teaching and Learning Community (The Green TLC)

About the Green TLC The Green Teaching and Learning Community creates and collects a variety of resources about ecological sustainability. The resour...

The Guide to Sustainable, Zero-Waste, Ethical Weddings

77 Diamonds, London has released its guide on how to plan a Sustainable, Zero-Waste, Ethical wedding. Click here to find out more about the importance...

The Sustainability book: A Christian faith perspective on the Sustainable Development Goals

A new publication, The Sustainability Book offers online texts and resources about the Sustainable Development Goals for use by congregations, gathe...

Interfaith Golden Rule poster

Scarboro Missions have shared their multifaith Golden Rule Poster series which features Golden Rule texts in 13 religions and languages. The posters a...

SAFCEI Policy Conference 2019 discussion papers

We hosted our first Policy Conference in ten years**,** from 5th to 7th November 2019 at eMseni Christian Centre in Benoni, South Africa. Entitled “A...

The Lazy Person’s Guide to Saving the World

The Sustainable Development Goals are important, world-changing objectives that will require cooperation among governments, international organization...

Resources and tools available for the implementation of Churches’ Commitments to Children

Engaging children/youth in the implementation of the Churches’ Commitments To Children The poster summarizing the ”Churches’ Commitments to Children”...

Sermon, Liturgy & Youth resources for World Environment Day

Ahead of World Environment Day on June 5, Green Anglicans have released a special 6-page guide providing Sermon and Liturgical resources, and have als...

Green tips for faith community Conferences and Events

Click here to view our checklist of Green Tips for Faith Community Conferences and Events....

Why farmers find FISPs problematic

The African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB) has publicly shared the first in their four-part animation series on Why farmers find Farm Input Subsidy Pro...

Agroecology is best practice

Agroecology is best practice: Biowatch's work with smallholder farmers explores the workings of eight homestead farms in northern KwaZulu-Natal, ill...

3 Animations on GMOs in South Africa

The African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB) has publicly shared a three part animation series on GMOs in South Africa. These animations (each around 5...

Eco-Audit User Guide: Turn energy, water and waste awareness into action

This self-help eco-audit booklet is a resource to support the journey to learning to live lightly. It sets out key steps to guide congregations in ide...

Statements on COP and other climate conferences

Statement Archbishop Desmond Tutu and the Reverend Canon Mpho Tutu on COP21 Statement from Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu and the Reverend Canon Mph...

Statements on Climate Change

Sikh Statement on Climate Change The Washington-based environmental organization, EcoSikh has released a statement on climate change from the Sikh per...

Sermons and Liturgies

Liturgy for Earthkeeper Day service A Liturgy for Earth Keeper Day written by Revd Glynis Goyns, St Marks UPCSA. Click here to download the liturgy Cl...

Season of Creation materials

Celebrating a Season of Creation The annual celebration of a six week Season of Creation has become increasingly common in churches throughout the wor...

Prayers and Poems

Hindu prayers on compassion for Animals Selection of the Yajur Veda on compassion for animals click here to download Jewish Prayer to Protect the Anim...

Multi-faith Reflections on Ecology

Islamic Faith Statement on Ecology Hyder Ihsan Mahasneh, a biologist and Islamic scholar, was the first African head of the Kenya National Parks Servi...


Khutbah: World Environment Day Jumu`ah Khutbah: World Environment Day Questioning South Africa’s Nuclear Path By: Imam Dr. A. Rashied Omar Download he...

An Ecological Advent Calendar

Compiled by Rev. Glynis Goyns for SAFCEI, this is an ecological Advent calendar with an illuminating foreword on Advent, which emphasises making a pil...

The World is our Host: call to climate action

The World is our Host A call to urgent action for climate justice from a group of Anglican Bishops from dioceses across the global Communion....

Greening Christian institutions and practices: An emerging ecclesial reform movement

Greening Christian institutions and practices - Kate Davies This contribution by Kate Davies records a brief history of the environmental movement and...

Earth Charter

We stand at a critical moment in Earth’s history, a time when humanity must choose its future. As the world becomes increasingly interdependent and fr...

An Oikos Journey: A Theological Reflection on the Economic Crisis in South Africa

South African history is marked with social and economic injustices and inequalities. In 1985, as the apartheid regime imposed a State of Emergency in...

What is Sustainable Development? Fact sheet

With thanks to WESSA (Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa) and USAID. Enviro Facts 1 Sustainable Development 6 July 2010...

Madrassa Guide - Islam and Environment

Teachers guide for Ages 7 - 12. Developed by the Muslims for Eco-Justice. The activities in this guide are intended to help nurture and shape childre...

Ideas for running your own Earth Keeper Day events

Celebrate Earth Keeper Day - a day of love for Creation - using the resources below, prepared by Rev. Glynis Goyns for SAFCEI. Introduction to Earth...

Faith organisation statements and resolutions

This is a collection of faith organisation statements and resolutions over the last two decades. The Rustenberg declaration 1990 The Twenty Fifth Asse...

Sacred Foods: Sunday school group activities

Sunday School resource from the National Council of Churches USA on Sustainable Agriculture and Animal Compassion Download here...

"World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation" - letter of Pope Francis

Letter of His Holiness Pope Francis for the establishment of the "WORLD DAY OF PRAYER FOR THE CARE OF CREATION" on 1 September Download here...

Laudato Si': The Papal Encyclical on the Care for our Common Home

Laudato Si'. The Papal Encyclical on the Care for our Common Home. Released 18 June 2015, can be downloaded here...

8 ways to green your house: How to Guides

With thanks to WESSA and USAID Download 'How to make stone ground bread' here Download 'How to make fire bricks' here Download 'How to make a worm bin...

People Inspired for Ecological Spirituality: A Study Circle on the Bahá’í perspective on the natural environment

This is a study material inspired by the Ruhi Institute, with an eco-twist. The intention is to get Baha’is and their friends thinking, talking, and a...

Pentecost Meditations (1-11)

During this year's Pentecost Prayers our church family reflects together on the truth that God created us wonderfully, and in union with the rest of c...

Stories of African faith communities: Many Heavens One Earth In Action

Many Heavens One Earth In Action Stories of African faith communities Download here...

Christian youth: Let There Be...Stuff? Session 1-6

The Let There Be...Stuff? faith-based teen program is designed for a group of 6-15 youth between 13-18 years old to attend at their house of worship a...

Jewish youth: Let There Be...Stuff? Sessions 1-6

The Let There Be...Stuff? faith-based teen program is designed for a group of 6-15 youth between 13-18 years old to attend at their house of worship a...

Green Ramadan

Tips for a greener Ramadan: “The world is green and delightful and Allah has made you a custodian over it and is observing carefully how you deal with...

Muslim School Activity Books

Green Deen Activity books: Download Planting Seeds: Grades 0-2 here Download Young Trees: Grades 5-7 here Download Roots and Shoots: Grades 3-4 here...

Green Deen Lecture: guideline for Imaams

The Green Deen Lecture has been written as a guideline for Imaams Download here...

Activity Ideas for World Water Day

Ideas for World Water Day World Water Day is held annually on 22 March as a means of focusing attention on the importance of freshwater and advocating...

Eco-drama for Eco-congregations

A collection of dramas for Eco-congregations to use. Download here...

A carbon fast for Lent

Lent is a time of repentance and fasting, of turning away from all that is counter to God’s will and purposes for his world and all who live in it. Th...

10 Tips for a Healthy and Sustainable Rosh Hashanah

The holiday of Rosh Hashanah is the perfect time to open up to new possibilities and be grateful for everything you have. It’s a time to let the blast...

We Have Faith Campaign

“We Have Faith – Act Now for Climate Change” was the name of a faith-based campaign leading up to COP 17 in Durban in November/December 2011. Using th...

SAFCEI Eco-funerals leaflet

Sustainable funeral rites - pamphlet on eco-funerals Download here...

SAFCEI Church coloring in poster

Coloring in poster for Churches Caring for Creation Download here...

Ryan the Rhino - The story of Creation: Kids Workbook

This manual has been developed by the Environmental Network of the Anglican Church of Southern Africa (Green Anglicans) with the support of SAFCEI and...

What is an Eco-congregation? Poster checklist

People of faith caring for the sacred community of life Download here...

Drama: God the Artist

A youth resource for World Environment Day or Youth Day Download here...