Our Articles

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Sewage in the Sea

By Louisa Feiter The outfall in Hout Bay. Photo: Jean Tresfon Disposal of sewage, especially in a city like Cape Town, is a smelly business. However...

In Honour of the Honeybee

By Louisa Feiter Honey has a special significance in most religions. In our household on Maundy Thursday we would celebrate with a very simple supper...

Uniting around a Common Cause

By Louisa Feiter On August 9 1956, thousands of women took to the Pretoria streets in protest of the “pass laws” enacted during Apartheid. In commemor...

No End to Threats to the Karoo

By Dr Stefan Cramer Older inhabitants of the Central Karoo remember that in the 1950s the area around Beaufort-West in the Karoo was once the scene of...

Support SAFCEI's legal action against nuclear

SAFCEI in partnership with Environmental organisation Earthlife Africa Johannesburg, has briefed our legal team and is asking for everyone’s help. We...

Emerging Leaders Multi-Faith Climate Convergence

By Desdery Moses Greetings dear brothers and sisters, Last month, I and my fellow CYNESA (Catholic Youth Network for Environmental Sustainability in A...

Klerksdorp Workshop

Over 70 youths are currently gathered at the Rabbuni Centre of the Catholic Diocese of Klerksdorp in the North West. The purpose of the gathering is...

SAFCEI goes to Tanzania

SAFCEI and Hope for Tanzania held a workshop in the Same district of Tanzania from the 1st to the 3rd July 2015. The workshop included faith leadersh...

What does Nature want?

Human wants are well articulated, marketed and even expanded to a position of status. Most are ultimately provided by Nature: the landscapes whose sca...

Imam Omar questions South Africa’s nuclear path

“There is no such thing as safe nuclear power!” Imam Dr. A. Rashied Omar of the Claremont Main Road Mosque cautioned the congregation who had come to...

A tale of two Karoo pastors

Among the many friends that Stefan and Erika Cramer have made during their anti-fracking work in the Karoo are two faith leaders from very different b...

Protecting the Wild Coast

Sinegugu speaks at a community gathering Sinegugu Zukulu’s story of the Amadiba community’s struggle in Pondoland to keep the proposed N2 toll road a...