Our Articles

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Normal is Over

'Normal is Over' by Renée Scheltema is a documentary about the bigger picture of what is happening to our planet and the environmental challenges we f...

SAFCEI at the NERSA hearings

Liz McDaid presenting at NERSA, Tuesday 19 January 2016. Liz McDaid presented to NERSA, asking them to exercise wise judgement. Giving two contrastin...

SAFCEI briefs faith leaders in Durban

SAFCEI spent some time in Durban this week, briefing faith leaders from the Kwazulu Natal Inter-religious Council environmental group on SAFCEI's cou...

Support SAFCEI's submission to Nuclear EIA

This is SAFCEI's response to the revised draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report Version 2 for the Eskom Nuclear Power Station and Associated Inf...

SAFCEI’s submission to NERSA on Eskom application

The Energy Regulator (NERSA) has received Eskom’s application for a tariff increase based on the revenue claw back mechanism and has invited the publi...

FLEAT in 2015

We introduced all our FLEAT members this year – those that joined us in 2014 as well as those that joined beginning of 2015 - and the work they are do...

Day 4 in Paris

By Lydia Mogano Although the beginning of my day was a bit bizarre because of the security constraints we have here in Paris, I still managed to make...

Day 3 in Paris: Water

If nature is the beginning, what is the end? What are we doing to our fresh water? By Lydia Mogano Session title: Water and energy: a nexus for devel...

Day 2 in Paris

By Lydia Mogano and Tahirih Matthee Lydia Mogano and Tahirih Matthee at the Climate Generation Area. Like a big sale season, delegates from across th...

Season of light

Photo: KennardP (Flickr) By Louisa Feiter It is the season of light in more than one way. As summer arrives in the Southern Hemisphere, so do the cel...

Sacred sounds

By Louisa Feiter Joy to the world, the Lord is come! Let Earth receive her King; Let every heart prepare Him room, And Heaven and nature sing And Heav...

Paris is mobilising

Though Parisians could not march this last weekend of the 28 - 29 November, they are nevertheless engaging in the global climate movement. Here are so...