Showing posts that match tag: owl

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SAFCEI Active Citizens Network

We had a wonderful launch of the SAFCEI Active Citizens Network on 6th May and were encouraged and motivated by the interest shown and the knowledge s...

Active Citizens Network Launch

What comes next? Post the Secret Nuclear Deal court case, many people have asked what will happen now that the court case has been successful. It is a...

Join our Volunteer Activist Network

Would you like to help to reduce the suffering of animals in South Africa and around the world? Would you like to help in the protection of our enviro...

McDonald's commits to sourcing cage-free eggs

On 14 November McDonald's South Africa announced that it would implement a cage-free policy when it came to the sourcing of their eggs, transitioning...

Compassion for all our fellow beings

By Frank Molteno, OWL The burgeoning demands of human society is drowning out the voices of our fellow creatures as they cry for mercy in the face of...

Laudato Si' & compassion for animals

Because all creatures are connected, each must be cherished with love and respect, for all of us as living creatures are dependent on one another. (La...

SAFCEI in the media

We have had a flurry of media attention in the last two months which we would like to celebrate. Dr Stefan Cramer, Liz McDaid, the Green Bishop and OW...

Free McDonald’s chickens

Caged hens at an egg facility. Our One Web of Life (OWL) programme, together with other organisations, have started campaigning for McDonald to phas...

People of faith – a voice for the voiceless

“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves. Protect the rights of all who are helpless." (Proverbs 31:8) The One Web of Life programme i...

Animals and Humans: Faith Perspectives

As part of marking 2015’s World Day for Farmed Animals and World Animal Day, SAFCEI’s One Web of Life (OWL) programme convened an evening of reflectio...

Re-enlivening our Relationships with Animals

St Francis of Assisi, born in Italy in the twelfth century, was a Catholic friar and preacher. In the Christian tradition he is known as the patron Sa...

Earth Keepers say no to palm oil.

Palm oil is in more than 50% of South African consumer products from baked goods, breakfast cereals, sweets and chocolate, to margarine, cooking oil,...

Dog-fighting - Cape Times 09-03-2015

Do the right thing and help police arrest those responsible for dog-fighting....

One Web of Life Programme

Our hearts know that a more beautiful world is possible¹ – a world wherein humankind, as part of Earth’s web of life, is in a benign and compassionate...

It's a Pig's Life

God has designed these remarkably intelligent and curious creatures with the ability to communicate with various expressions of grunts, oinks and squ...

Summer braais meet your meat!

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated”. Mahatma Gandhi Sharing meals with family and...