Read on for our latest announcements, offers, and helpful explainer articles.
Fundraiser Breakfast with Kumi Naidoo: Way Beyond Nuclear
SAFCEI is holding a business breakfast at the Vineyard Hotel in Newlands, Cape Town, on the 23rd May to raise funds towards our nuclear campaign. As t...
Signing the Paris Deal
By Lydia Mogano Today, 22 April 2016, world leaders and dignitaries from all over the will attended a high-level ceremony at the United Nations to off...
Invitation to: COP21 and the struggle for energy democracy
SAFCEI will be presenting an update on the current progress on the SAFCEI/ELA nuclear court case and associated nuclear campaign. The topic will be Nu...
Welcoming the new Interns
Meet the new WWF - Nedbank Green Trust interns who will be working with the Green Anglicans (Anglican Church of Southern Africa) and Muslims for Eco-J...
The destructive force of mining
Sikhosiphi “Bazooka” Rhadebe led opposition to mining in the Xolobeni area on the Wild Coast. Photo: Fred Kockott It was with great shock and sadness...
Secrecy around nuclear and uranium
It has been 30 years since the devastating nuclear disaster at Chernobyl, which occurred on 26 April 1986. And last month brought the five year annive...
Marking World Wildlife Day in Mombasa Kenya
By Kelly Ngeti On 3rd March 2016, the world celebrated the existence of wild animals, putting emphasize on their rights to exist peacefully. The day’s...
Honouring Earth and Earth’s Community
Picture: Fort Myers There is much to get despondent about when it comes to the environmental issues we are facing, but humanity is also waking up to...
Free McDonald’s chickens
Caged hens at an egg facility. Our One Web of Life (OWL) programme, together with other organisations, have started campaigning for McDonald to phas...
Financial Support Needed for the Amadiba Anti-Mining Struggle
Urgent Financial Support to the Amadiba Anti-Mining Struggle #RIPBazooka #StopWildCoastMining Photo Credit: Daily Dispatch The Amadiba community on t...
Community leader assassinated for resisting mining efforts
Mining not only wreaks havoc on the surrounding environment, but destroys the social fabric of a community. It was with great sadness that we heard of...
Khutbah for World Water Day
World Water Day Imam Dr. A. Rashied Omar Delivered at Islamic Center of Michiana - South Bend, Indiana, USA on 21 March 2014 Tomorrow, Saturday 22 M...