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Environmental stewardship and sustainability in the Zimbabwe episcopal area

Presentation by Mrs. Rebecca Tendayi Gurupira shared at the Agriculture Summit in Johannesburg. Click to here to view the presentation. We invite ou...

SAFCEI comments on Eskom's tariff increase application to NERSA

The National Energy Regulator of South Africa (Nersa) has announced dates for public hearings on Eskom’s application to increase electricity tariffs a...

NERSA Public Hearings: Have your say on the Eskom tariff increase request

The National Energy Regulator of South Africa (Nersa) has announced dates for public hearings on Eskom's application to increase electricity tariffs a...

COP24: Reflections on Climate talks in Katowice

By Wellington Sibanda This year The 24th Conference of the Parties (COP24) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) concl...

#banfracking Declaration

The Support Centre for Land Change, community organizations and local and international NGO's met on 16-18 November 2018 in Wilderness, to discuss our...

Energy minister Jeff Radebe removes the SA Nuclear Energy Corporation (Necsa) board

Liziwe McDaid comments on the Energy minister Jeff Radebe's removal of the SA Nuclear Energy Corporation (Necsa) board on 7th December. McDaid says,...

Open Letter: Response to DEA 3rd Dec Press Release announcing high level panel appointment to review policies and legislations

Please find attached the letter as submitted to Minister’s Mokonyane and Hanekom regarding the Department of Environmental Affairs' press release (re...

COP24 Statement by Bishop Geoff Davies

We pray all at COP24 will take the bold and necessary steps needed to ensure that average global temperatures do not exceed 1.5°C. We have already exc...

Cage-Free Eggs Global Campaign: SAFCEI letter to Marriott Hotels

Dear Marriott leadership, I represent The Southern African Faith Communities’ Environment Institute (SAFCEI), a multi-faith organisation committed to...

Cage-Free Eggs Global Campaign: Marriott Hotels response to SAFCEI

Dear Mandla, Thank you for your email. At Marriott International, we have been focused on operating responsibly throughout our company’s history. Late...

350 Africa is calling on the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) to publicly commit to not funding Thabametsi coal-fired power station

It's a beautiful day today, switching on new energies for divestment. The South Africa Energy Week is coming up next week and we are ready to continu...

Last chance to have your say on the Eskom tariff increase request

Please note that today is the last day to have your say on the Eskom tariff increase request. Eskom has applied for a further substantial increase in...