Our Articles

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SAFCEI attends the virtual NERSA public hearings

Last week, SAFCEI attended the virtual National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA) public hearings on the Concurrence with the ministerial deter...

APPLY: Join our new Koeberg Faith Leader Environmental Advocacy Training - 16 to 18 March 2021

Dear friends, SAFCEI, the Southern African Faith Communities’ Environment Institute, is a faith-based environmental organisation comprised of people...

Say NO to Nuclear Energy plans at the NERSA public hearings on 23 February

NERSA (The National Energy Regulator of South Africa) has announced a virtual public hearing on 23 February 2021. SAFCEI will be holding a meeting on...

Zoom Launch: Faith Leaders in Africa's Open Letter to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation - 23 February 2021

Please Join us for the Faith Leaders in Africa's Open Letter to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Zoom meeting on 23 February, 10 am to 12 pm. SA...

FLEAT: Nyorowai Mutsago represents the Zimbabwe Council of Churches at the Alternative Mining Indaba

On Tuesday, 9 February 2021, our FLEAT 2 member Ms Nyorowai Mutsago in Zimbabwe represented the Zimbabwe Council of Churches (ZCC) at the Alternative...

FLEAT: Kelly Ngeti represented at local youth climate change conference

Last week, our FLEAT regional group member, Kelly Ngeti, attended a youth climate change conference in Kenya. Kelly, a member of the Catholic faith a...

Say No to Nuclear Energy plans by 5th February

We have partnered up with amandla.mobi to encourage people to make submissions to say NO to the South African government's plans to add 2,500MW more n...

FLEAT: David Munene to moderate a Brahma Kumaris Interfaith panel

SAFCEI Board and FLEAT member, David Munene will be moderating the Brahma Kumaris Interfaith panel on Inner awareness and commitment for restoring nat...

FLEAT: Dominic Amon Nyasulu to deliver a keynote address at The Road to COP26 online meeting

FLEAT regional group 2 member, Dominic Amon Nyasulu, will be delivering a keynote address at The Road to COP26 online meeting. Nyasulu highlights th...

Farewell Bishop Ellinah Wamukoya

Bishop Ellinah delivering the closing plenary - Reflection on emerging Sacred Life and Living Earth narrative at the SAFCEI Policy Conference 2019. P...

FLEAT Cape Town

By Rev Berry Behr The historic Cape Town FLEAT was held at Monkey Valley Resort from 2nd to 4th December with an enthusiastic and diverse group of...

SAFCEI bids farewell to Kate Davies

We want to pay special tribute to Kate Davies who is retiring this month after over fifteen years of service. Our gratitude to Kate cannot be overstat...