Read on for our latest announcements, offers, and helpful explainer articles.
FLEAT appreciation message to SAFCEI
In 2017, SAFCEI held a Faith Leader Environmental Advocacy Training #FLEAT workshop in Uganda. During the workshop, the group planted 150 fruit trees...
We hosted our Faith Leader Environmental Advocacy Training (FLEAT) Regional Group 2 workshop in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania from 23rd to 25th July. Partic...
Faith Leader Environmental Advocacy – July 2019
Have a look at what our Faith Leader Environmental Advocacy Training (FLEAT) members have been up to this month. Allen Ottaro - CYNESA- FLEAT Regiona...
Eco-theology Conference: 16-19 June. Wuppertal, Germany
Report by Kate Davies “Together towards Eco-theologies, ethics of sustainability and eco-friendly churches”, an international ecumenical think tank...
FLEAT South Africa 2019
SAFCEI hosted a South African Faith Leaders Environmental Advocacy Training (FLEAT) workshop in Durban from 25th to 27th June. We hosted our South Af...
Best Western commits to going cage-free by 2025
Update on the global cage-free campaign against Best Western: On 8th May, SAFCEI joined 62 major animal protection organisations from around the wor...
World Giraffe Day - 21 June 2019
One of the world’s most iconic animals, the giraffe, has slipped silently onto the Endangered Species List. Whilst giraffes are commonly seen in game...
Sinegugu and the Xolobeni Community receive Eco-Logic Awards
Congratulations to Sinegugu Zukulu and the Xolobeni Community on receiving the following awards at the Enviropaedia Eco-Logic Gala Awards Evening on 5...
Whales Sign On Letter: Open Letter to World Leaders attending the G20 Summit
Dear Friends Please support this initiative and add your signature confirming your details directly to Dominic Dyer**.** ------...
Faith Leader Environmental Advocacy - June 2019
Mombassa FLEAT members celebrate environmental days in June: Many FLEAT members have been involved in actions to celebrate World Environment Day, on...
Invitation to SAFCEI's Faith Leader Energy Programme 15-16 July 2019
Invitation to SAFCEI's Faith Leader Energy Programme 15 - 16 July 2019 Dear Faith Leader, Ethical governance of energy urgently needs to be addressed...
SAFCEI stands in solidarity with the mining-affected communities of Lutzville and Xolobeni
SAFCEI stands in solidarity with Lutzville and Xolobeni communities and supports the call against corporate bullying, and the protection of environme...