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SAFCEI Responds to Pope’s Encyclical
The Southern African Faith Communities’ Environment Institute (SAFCEI) endorses the Pope’s call for systemic change, for an acknowledgement that we ar...
SAFCEI rejects Eskom's 25,3% price increase application
At a time when Eskom is unable to supply sufficient electricity and is suffering from insufficient funds to complete its maintenance and buy expensive...
SAFCEI statement on Xenophobic attacks
God calls us to live in harmony and peace with one another and all of creation. SAFCEI, the Southern African Faith Communities Environment Institute,...
Shell gets cold feet in the Karoo
By Dr Stefan Cramer, SAFCEI Science Advisor Royal Dutch Shell is pulling its top shale-gas people out of South Africa, was the screaming headline news...
Dog-fighting - Cape Times 09-03-2015
Do the right thing and help police arrest those responsible for dog-fighting....
Response to President Zuma’s State of the Nation Address.
SAFCEI supports the president in his acknowledgement of the youth as our future. Their success in the future will build on the legacy present generat...