SAFCEI in the Press

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Civil society launches legal challenge against South African government’s plans for new nuclear energy

Hot off the heels of their recent solidarity visit to Kenya, the Southern African Faith Communities’ Environment Institute (SAFCEI) and Earthlife Af...

Russian eco-defender boosts South Africa's anti-nuclear campaign with timely visit

Award-winning Russian environmentalist Vladimir Slivyak of Ecodefense is visiting South Africa for the rest of July. Slivyak, a Right Livelihoods Lau...

From Russia to Kenya and South Africa: Global Activists unite for a sustainable, Nuclear-Free Future

![]( "Photo Caption: Francesca de Gasparis (SAFCEI) Executive Director, Makoma Lekalakala (Earthlife Africa) Director, David Munene (SAFCEI Board...

Cage-Free Community Indaba calls for an end to battery cages for layer hens

The second Cage-free Community Indaba this year – hosted by the Southern African Faith Communities’ Environment Institute (SAFCEI) at Bertha House in...

“NNR Public participation process is a governance and compliance issue, not to be taken lightly” – Civil Society

Public uproar over the lack of information shared, running up to the last consultation process in February, forced the National Nuclear Regulator (NN...

Parties still not prepared to tackle climate change and energy poverty

As we head into next week’s National Elections, with the news that unemployment is now at an all-time-high of 33% overall and 46% among the youth, ma...

Standing Strong: 7 Years Since Nuclear Deal Ruling, Civil Society Remains Vigilant, Committed To Energy Justice

On the eve of South Africa’s Freedom Day, Friday 26 April 2024, the Southern African Faith Communities’ Environment Institute (SAFCEI) – together wit...

South Africa: Who Ends Up Paying If DMRE Cooks the Price of Nuclear Power?

It has been just over two (2) weeks since the deadline for comments on the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy’s (DMRE) draft 2023 Integrated...

South Africa’s nuclear energy expansion plans continue to draw criticism, environmental NGOs chew over legal challenge

Government’s announcement that the s34 determination – to start the process to procure 2500 MW of new nuclear capacity – had been gazetted (in Januar...

#Sona2024 - “Far Too Many Inconsistencies Between Government’s Rhetoric And Its Actions”

While President Cyril Ramaphosa shared, in his state of the nation address (SONA) on 8 February, a seemingly positive vision and outlook for what So...

“Just Another Glossy Brochure Budget Speech” - Safcei


Earthlife Africa and SAFCEI respond to latest unsettling nuclear news regarding the ministerial determination

This morning 12 December 2023, Minister of Electricity Kgosientsho Ramokgopa held a briefing to update media on the ministerial determination for the...