Our Events

Read on for our latest announcements, offers, and helpful explainer articles.

EarthKeeper Day - 14 February 2021

This coming Sunday will be Valentine's Day, but we at SAFCEI like to call it Earthkeeper's Day and mark the date by doing something to show our love f...

Prayers for the Earth - 3 February 2021

Please join us in Prayers for the Earth, a multi-faith, environmental contribution to this year's United Nations World Interfaith Harmony Week co-host...

Nersa calls for public comment on new 2500MW Nuclear Energy generation

The South African government has announced plans to add 2,500MW more nuclear power to our electricity system by 2030. The National Energy Regulator of...

Sacred People, Sacred Earth - 18 November 2020

#SacredPeopleSacredEarth is launching on 18 November! Join SAFCEI, Green Faith and partners all over the globe for a series of multi-faith TEDx events...

Apply now to join our Faith Leader Environmental Advocacy Training in Cape Town

Dear Friends, The Southern African Faith Communities’ Environment Institute (SAFCEI) believes that people of faith have a moral imperative to speak...

Apply now to join our Faith Leader Environmental Advocacy Training in Malawi - 8th & 9th December 2020

2 November 2020 Dear friends, SAFCEI, the Southern African Faith Communities’ Environment Institute, is a faith-based environmental organisation co...

Regional Interfaith Dialogues

Calling Faith Leaders in Southern Africa! Join us for a series of regional Interfaith Dialogues in November and December. 12 November 2020 - What does...

Food gardening webinar story: Rev Andre Naidoo

We have hosted five of our nine weekly webinars on food gardening for faith communities with renowned permaculturalist, John Nzira. Join our next webi...

Webinar: Assessing the impact of the electricity price hikes on poor urban and peri-urban communities in Cape Town

SAFCEI has conducted research that explores what communities will ‘sacrifice’ in order to afford the ever-increasing price of electricity. Join us for...

Church in Creation: Dalebrook Pool - 17 October 2020

We are pleased to announce that the first Church in Creation event since the easing of lockdown will be taking place on Sat 17th October at Dalebrook...

Faith and sustainable livelihoods - 20 October 2020

Earthlife Africa and SAFCEI invites you to a community report back session on Faith and sustainable livelihoods on 20th October from 10 am to 1 pm, Pa...

Food gardening webinars

'If you want to change the world, go home and love your family. ' - Mother Theresa As a community of Earthkeepers, we recognize the interconnectedness...