Read on for our latest announcements, offers, and helpful explainer articles.
FLEAT: Upcoming tree-planting activities in Malawi
Undule Mwakasungula, a member of FLEAT Malawi, has partnered with two non-profit making organizations in tree-planting initiative in Karonga. Mwakasun...
World Intrerfaith Harmony Week 2022
The annual Prayers for the City will be hosted by the Kalksteenfontein community in 2022 and includes a celebration of diverse sacred expressions, a r...
Regional Interfaith Dialogue: What does your faith say about the future of people and planet? - 14 February 2022
Join us on Earthkeeper Day, 14 February 2022 at 10 am (SAST), for an online Regional Interfaith Dialogue to celebrate our love for creation. Topic: Wh...
Public demonstration against Koeberg Nuclear Power plant life extension
Join us at Bloubergstrand Beach on 16 December at 10 am for a public demonstration regarding the Koeberg life extension. Please contact Khulekani Magw...
Invitation: COP26 Interfaith Talanoa Dialogue online - 31 October 2021
Ahead of COP26, starting in Glasgow on Monday 1 November, the Interfaith Liaison Committee (UN Special Group) is organising The Informal Interfaith Ga...
Regional Interfaith Dialogue: What does your faith say about water as a human right? - 7 December 2021
Calling Faith Leaders in Southern Africa!⠀ Join us on 7 December 2021 at 10 am (SAST) for a Regional Interfaith Dialogue.⠀ Topic: What does your faith...
Faiths 4 Climate Justice: A Global, Multi-Religious Action on 17-18 October 2021
This weekend, two weeks before this year's international climate conference, COP26, people of faith will sound the alarm for climate justice and deman...
Invitation: Cage-Free Webinar - 26-27 October 2021
SAFCEI is hosting a two-morning Cage-Free Webinar from 08:30 am to 01:30 pm (SAST) on 26 and 27 October 2021. Each day will focus on an area in the ca...
Sustainable Consumption Workshop Series on Food Security - 20 September to 25 October 2021
SAFCEI is running a six-week workshop series on Food Security that will look into practical ways of setting up Agroecological farming projects, develo...
Regional Interfaith Dialogue: What does your faith say about sharing community? - 30 September 2021
Calling Faith Leaders in Southern Africa!⠀ ⠀ Join us on 30 September 2021 at 10 am (SAST) for a Regional Interfaith Dialogue.⠀ ⠀ Topic: What does your...
Apply now to join our online Regional women's Faith Leader Environmental Advocacy Training – 31 August to 2 September 2021
FLEAT-application-form-regional women-2021...
Regional Interfaith Dialogue: What does your faith say about women as EarthKeepers? - 10 August 2021
Calling Faith Leaders in Southern Africa! Join us on 10 August 2021 at 10 am (SAST) for a Regional Interfaith Dialogue. Topic: What does your faith sa...