Read on for our latest announcements, offers, and helpful explainer articles.
Attend an eco-audit workshop in Windhoek & reduce your ecological footprint! - ONLY for Namibian participants.
The Southern African Faith Communities’ Environment Institute (SAFCEI) believes that people of faith have a moral imperative to speak out and take act...
Please sign and share this petition to tell Famous Brands that you will not be purchasing any of its products until it stops supporting this heinous animal abuse.
Watch the video below and learn why an increasing number of food companies and consumers are switching to cage-free eggs. Wimpy SA MUGG & BEAN SA...
Rise for climate action in Cape Town on 8 September
Rise for Climate Action Cape Town How are we stepping up to the challenge? Saturday 8 September, 10h00 – 13h00 On 8 September, we’ll be having a conv...
Join us for SAFCEI’s first multi-faith women’s assembly on 24 August
August is Women’s month and we’re celebrating women who are leading the search for justice in our country. You are invited to SAFCEI’s first multi-fa...