Read on for our latest announcements, offers, and helpful explainer articles.
South African ‘Green’ Bishop receives award from the Archbishop of Canterbury
Bishop Davies receives his award from the Archbishop of Canterbury. The Archbishop of Canterbury has given an award to a South African Bishop for enc...
Is this sanity or incompetence?
Press release 6th April 2016 Earthlife Africa Jhburg and Southern Africa Faith Communities’ Environment Institute (SAFCEI), responded to the latest ne...
SAFCEI in the media
We have had a flurry of media attention in the last two months which we would like to celebrate. Dr Stefan Cramer, Liz McDaid, the Green Bishop and OW...
Court case exposes web of secrecy in government nuclear dealings
30 March 2016 Media release embargoed until 12 noon on 30th March 2016 COURT CASE EXPOSES WEB OF SECRECY IN GOVERNMENT NUCLEAR DEALINGS Today, Earthli...
Govt attempts to undermine legal case against nuclear
Media release GOVERNMENT ATTEMPTS TO UNDERMINE LEGAL CASE AGAINST NUCLEAR Government correspondence provided to Earthlife Africa Jhb (ELA) and the Sou...
Nuclear energy, PetroSA storm brewing over Parliament
By Matthew le Cordeur This article was published in Fin24 Energy Minister Tina Joemat-Pettersson. Cape Town – A storm that has been brewing over the...
R2K Statement: The right to protest denied for the opening of Parliament!
R2K is appalled by the City of Cape Town’s decision to deny our right to protest. The City, SAPS and SANDF have shut down parliament and the surroun...
Nuclear goes ahead despite omission from NDC
SAFCEI's Regional Coordinator meets with Minister of Eenvironment Edna Molewa at COP debriefing on 27th January 2016 Ahead of COP21 in Paris last yea...
SAFCEI opposes Eskom’s tariff increases
Liz McDaid is representing SAFCEI at the NERSA hearings today. Read our press release below. Liz McDaid representing SAFCEI at the NERSA hearings, Tu...
Press Release: Court Action
Earthlife Africa Jhb and SAFCEI draw the line on Joemat- Pettersson's secret nuclear deal Earthlife Africa Jhb and Southern African Faith Communities'...
Invitation to Press Briefing
INVITATION TO PRESS BRIEFING From: Earthlife Africa Jhb (ELA) Southern Africa Faith Communities Environment Institution (SAFCEI) Venue:...
Why SA does not need nuclear energy
By: Matthew le Cordeur South Africa’s renewable energy programme will deliver enough electricity on time and on budget without the risk of nuclear ac...