Say No to Nuclear Plans in Thyspunt by 31 July 2021

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SAFCEI and Earthlife Africa have partnered up with to encourage people to make submissions to say NO to Nuclear Plans in Thyspunt.

South Africans have until 31 July to say no to a Nuclear Installation Site Licence (NISL) application. Late last year we objected to the building of a new nuclear plant at Duynefontein near the existing Koeberg Nuclear Power Plant. Now Eskom has applied for yet another new site license for Thyspunt, located in the Eastern Cape, to the National Nuclear Regulator (NNR) Board. South Africa cannot afford and doesn't need unsafe and unnecessary nuclear power. Object to Eskom’s plans before it’s too late.

Submissions close on  31 July 2021.

Please sign on and make a submission by 31 July and share widely.

For more information on submissions, visit:

Submission of written comments and registration to make oral presentations at the hearings must reach the NNR by no later than 31 July 2021. Information on the NNR public hearings can be found at

SAFCEI and Earthlife Africa JHB's submission will be posted here.