SAFCEI attends the virtual NERSA public hearings

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Last week, SAFCEI attended the virtual National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA) public hearings on the Concurrence with the ministerial determination for the procurement of 2 500MW new generation capacity from nuclear.

On the first day of the hearings, Francesca de Gasparis, SAFCEI's Executive Director presented with Professor Steve Thomas (University of Greenwich), saying that we do not recommend that NERSA concur with the Ministerial determination on the procurement of  2500MW new nuclear. (Click here to download SAFCEI's oral submission)

On the second day of the hearings, we were represented by a group of faith leaders in our network who made their oral submissions to NERSA.

They were:

Wellington Sibanda, Congregationalist

Celeste Esau, Cape Town Unitarians

Cecil Plaatjies, Lay Nichiren Buddhist

Andre Naidoo, Khoi Traditional

Andy Pienaar, Kobush Development Association

Rev Dr Mark Marais, Rector, St James Church Graaff-Reinet

View their submissions below. (Click here to download the faith leader oral submissions)

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Click here to download a copy of Earthlife Africa Johannesburg and SAFCEI’s written comment submitted to NERSA on the proposed concurrence.

Click here to view SAFCEI and ELA-JHB’s joint responses to the questions raised by the NERSA Commissioners at the public hearing on 23 February 2021.

Click here for more information about the NERSA Public Hearings.