Please sign and share this petition to tell Famous Brands that you will not be purchasing any of its products until it stops supporting this heinous animal abuse.

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Watch the video below and learn why an increasing number of food companies and consumers are switching to cage-free eggs.

Wimpy SA MUGG & BEAN SA why don't you follow other leading local and international food chains and do the right thing. #CAGEFREE #ANIMALJUSTICE #WEAREWHATWEEAT Please sign and share this petition to tell Famous Brands that you will not be purchasing any of its products until it stops supporting this heinous animal abuse. WHAT CAN YOU DO? Let Famous Brands know that we will not accept animal abuse of any kind and that their Wimpy, Mugg and Bean and their other franchises. Boycott their stores until they act to change. SIGN THE PETITION HERE: SHARE THE VIDEO, THE POSTERS BELOW AND THE PETITION LINK ON ALL YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS.