Green Action Week 2020

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“It is important for us, not just for today, to look at our waste and consumerism. This is our earth to share, and we must all do what we can to care for it” - Rev Berry Behr, SAFCEI Faith Leader Liaison

From 28th September to 4th October, we participated again in Green Action Week, a global campaign to promote sustainable consumption. This year, we hosted food gardening webinars for faith communities, a virtual #EarthKeeper picket, and a community clean-up event at Vygieskraal canal.

In light of Green Action week, SAFCEI, the Lutheran Church in Belgravia, activist Zelda Hintsa and youth volunteers filled 40 garbage bags in three hours, but there is still so much more to clean up.

Read more about our cleanup event here.

We have hosted six of our nine weekly webinars on food gardening for faith communities with renowned permaculturalist, John Nzira.

Rev Andre Naidoo shares with us pictures of the food garden he has been working on with the community in Cuban Heights/Rondevlei.

Join our next webinar on Tuesday, 3 November 2020 at 12:30pm (SAST) .Follow our food gardening webinar series here.

We had 13 faith leaders participate in our picket. See the posts from our virtual EarthKeeper picket here.

For more information about Green action Week, visit