Our Articles

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Anti Nuclear Energy Book Launch – 11 October, Cape Town

If you’ve been wondering why anti-nuke activists continue to fight against government’s plans for a massive and costly new nuclear energy programme o...

Interfaith statement on climate change - Agadir, Morocco 2017

We, faith-based leaders, networks and organisations representing faith and spiritual communities-- Muslim, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Bah'ai, Brahma...

SAFCEI Annual Report 2016

Our Annual Report for 2016 gives you a view into our work: caring for the sacred community of life! Read about our Programmes & Activities inclu...

Take action: Speak out against uranium mining in the Karoo before 7 September

The issue of the proposed uranium mining in the Karoo presents an occasion where we should be guided by our faith traditions. As custodians of God’s g...

Wild Coast mining moratorium welcome, but questions remain

18 June 2017 Sustaining the Wild Coast (SWC) notes with interest the announcement of an 18-month moratorium on the Wild Coast mining. This notice gaze...

Church leaders express regret over U.S. climate change decision

Church leaders have expressed their regret over the decision by US President Donald Trump to withdraw from the Paris Agreement on climate change. The...

SAFCEI Statement on U.S. pulling out of Paris Climate Change Agreement

SAFCEI’s Statement on the announcement that the US will pull out of the Paris Climate Change Agreement As many of you are aware President Trump has op...

World Environment Day: ‘Connecting people to nature’

"Connecting people to nature" – this year’s global theme for World Environment Day. It both reflects what is perhaps our most fundamental p...

SAFCEI seeks an Independent Evaluator

SAFCEI seeks an Independent Evaluator for its "Faith Communities & Leaders in Southern Africa Advocating for Ecological & Economic Justic...

Earth Keepers Must Rise

“We stand at a critical moment in Earth’s history, a time when humanity must choose its future”. – Earth Charter Lydia Mogano speaking to young E...

A call to action on Water

The Theewaterskloof Dam near Cape Town. Picture: Aletta Harrison/EWN As we enter the month of June, our biggest prayer is for rain. The Western Cape...

SACC speaks out against corruption in the SA government

The South African Council of Churches (SACC) has spoken out strongly against corruption in South Africa's government. This follows from a report that...