Our Articles

Read on for our latest announcements, offers, and helpful explainer articles.

World Environment Day: ‘Connecting people to nature’

"Connecting people to nature" – this year’s global theme for World Environment Day. It both reflects what is perhaps our most fundamental p...

SAFCEI seeks an Independent Evaluator

SAFCEI seeks an Independent Evaluator for its "Faith Communities & Leaders in Southern Africa Advocating for Ecological & Economic Justic...

Earth Keepers Must Rise

“We stand at a critical moment in Earth’s history, a time when humanity must choose its future”. – Earth Charter Lydia Mogano speaking to young E...

A call to action on Water

The Theewaterskloof Dam near Cape Town. Picture: Aletta Harrison/EWN As we enter the month of June, our biggest prayer is for rain. The Western Cape...

SACC speaks out against corruption in the SA government

The South African Council of Churches (SACC) has spoken out strongly against corruption in South Africa's government. This follows from a report that...

SAFCEI Active Citizens Network

We had a wonderful launch of the SAFCEI Active Citizens Network on 6th May and were encouraged and motivated by the interest shown and the knowledge s...

The people have spoken: “NO TO NUKES”

With all the hard work in fighting against the nuclear build programme in our country, justice has finally been served by the judgment on the nuclear...

Apply now to join the second round of FLEAT

Dear friends, The Southern African Faith Community Environment Institute (SAFCEI) believes that people of faith have a moral imperative to speak again...

Active Citizens Network Launch

What comes next? Post the Secret Nuclear Deal court case, many people have asked what will happen now that the court case has been successful. It is a...

The fight for the Philippi Horticultural Area continues

The Philippi Horticultural Area. Photo: Masixole Feni The Philippi Horticultural Area Food and Farming Campaign has been strongly advocating against...

Bee Line Exhibition

Bees are wonderful creatures and play an integral role not only in the web of life, but also in our cultural lives, with honey being enjoyed and utili...

SAFCEI Youth Ambassador's Statement on Nuclear at the Kathrada Memorial

Siphokazi, SAFCEI youth ambassador & Right2Know activist, having her statement read out at the Kathrada memorial. Photo: Sean Brown The inspiring...