Vineyard Hotel to go cage-free by the end of 2021

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After 10 months of engagement with Vineyard Hotel, they have committed to sourcing 100% of it’s eggs and egg products for all of its operations (including whole/shell eggs, liquid eggs, powdered eggs) from free-range sources by the end of 2021.

Over 86% of egg-laying hens in South Africa spend their entire lives in cages no bigger than an A4 sheet of paper. We would like to thank Vineyard Hotel for taking us a step closer to eradicating battery cage farms for egg-laying hens in Southern Africa.

SAFCEI’s Campaign Lead, Georgina Blumears says, “The Vineyard is one of the most beautiful hotels in Cape Town. This commitment shows their dedication to ethically sourced products and sustainability. I hope this commitment signals to hotels not publicly committed, that a cage-free commitment is the future.”

See the Vineyard’s public commitment: