Second Anniversary of the SAFCEI & Earthlife Africa Jhb nuclear court victory

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Today marks 2 years since SAFCEI and Earthlife Africa Johannesburg won their court case against the South African Government's secret trillion rand nuclear energy deal with Russia that would have bankrupted the country.

Litigation began in October 2015, alongside an awareness and education campaign in the public arena, with meetings and workshops, protests and marches. On 26 April 2017, the Western Cape High Court ruled that the nuclear deal and other energy procurement processes were both illegal and unconstitutional and must be set aside.

In recognition of their combined effort to stop the nuclear deal and seek a just energy future, SAFCEI’s advisor and former Eco-Justice Lead, and Earthlife Africa’s Makoma Lekalakala were announced last year as the recipients of the prestigious Goldman Environmental Prize for Africa.

Watch the video below of Liz and Makoma reflecting on their journey and highlighting important actions still needed to ensure just energy decisions are made going forward:

Click here to learn more about Stopping Nuclear Power in South Africa.

Click here to learn more about  SAFCEI’s Energy Justice Programme.

Click here for more information on Liz and Makoma’s Goldman Environmental Prize.