Say No to Nuclear Energy plans by 5th February

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We have partnered up with to encourage people to make submissions to say NO to the South African government's plans to add 2,500MW more nuclear power to our electricity system.

Submissions close on the 5th of February 2021.

Please sign on and make a submission by the 5th of February and share this post widely.

We strongly believe there is NO place for this failed technology in our energy mix, for two key reasons. There’s NO need for more nuclear power in our energy system. It is unsafe, expensive and unnecessary. We don’t want the government to proceed, especially since there is enough evidence that renewable energy is cheaper and more environmentally-friendly.

We instead propose that this money is better spent to address electrification, community owned renewable energy, housing, social grants and now, procurement of the COVID-19 vaccine

View the poster below for information on how to submit your comments.

View NERSA's invitation to comment here.

Please note that there will be an opportunity to make oral submissions to the NERSA public hearings (date to be confirmed).

SAFCEI ELA-JHB Comment on NERSA concurrence with Nuclear s34 determination

View our submission below or click here to download it.

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