SAFCEI to co-host Veganism & Culture Evening

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South Africa is a country lucky enough to have a wealth of different cultures and religions, but culture can often be seen as a barrier to veganism. This doesn’t have to be the case: living a vegan lifestyle can be in alignment with most cultural and religious belief systems. At our Veganism & Culture Evening, we will have representatives from a variety of backgrounds to share their perspectives on the most effective ways to integrate a vegan lifestyle into their traditional, cultural and religious beliefs and practices. Join us!

When: Tuesday, 16 October, 18h00 Where: LS2D, Leslie Social Science Building, UCT Upper Campus Cost: FREE (but please book!)

Our speakers for the evening: - Christianity - Frank Molteno - Hinduism - Kirtanya Lutch - Islam - Ayoub Banderker - Judaism - Elisa Galgut - African Cultures within South Africa – Anda Mtshemla

Snacks and refreshments will be served

This event forms part of the South African Vegan Challenge presented by ProVeg South Africa.