SAFCEI Statement on U.S. pulling out of Paris Climate Change Agreement

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SAFCEI’s Statement on the announcement that the US will pull out of the Paris Climate Change Agreement

As many of you are aware President Trump has opted to pull out of the hard won Paris Agreement on international climate change.

With this decision Trump appears oblivious to the the realities of climate change, and like our president in South Africa and his cronies, appears intent on turning our living planet into dust with short-term economic greed for a few, at the expense of a sustainable living for all.

We echo many others, from faith institutions and the environment sector, in condemning this action, and call on our government to step up their implementation of climate adaptive policies and programmes. Like India, South Africa should go beyond the requirements of the Paris Agreement.

As recent history has shown in the nuclear case in South Africa, small organisations and faith organisations, such as Earthlife Africa Johannesburg and SAFCEI, can hold the government to account.

Scientists say that Africa will be disproportionately impacted by climate change.  Across Southern Africa, faith groups, farmers and other active citizen groups are taking it into their own hands to address climate change. SAFCEI joins hands with its partners, other faith institutes and movements in praying for those in America tasked with making the President see reason.