Secret Trillion-Rand Nuclear Deal Case Judgement to be Delivered on 26th April 2017

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On the eve of Freedom Day at 9:45 am tomorrow, the Western Cape High Court will deliver its judgement in the nuclear deal court case brought by Earthlife Africa Johannesburg (ELA) and the Southern African Faith Communities’ Environment Institute (SAFCEI)  against the South African government.

ELA and SAFCEI launched their nuclear court case in October 2015 when they realised that the government was preparing for a nuclear power procurement deal in secret. The court case has been pivotal in exposing arrangements for government’s proposed R1-trillion nuclear deal which they believe were entered into unlawfully. ELA and SAFCEI allege that processes of nuclear deal decision-making including the signing of agreements with Russia and the Section 34 Determination to procure nuclear power, were not done in accordance with requirements for lawful and constitutional adminstrative decision-making.

After the judges announce their ruling on this matter, SAFCEI and ELA-JHB will hold a press conference, on the steps of the High Court, after the long-awaited judgement for the case that concluded in February has been handed down.

If successful, this court decision will raise serious roadblocks in the government’s and Eskom’s rush towards making the nuclear deal a reality.

A successful outcome just ahead of Freedom Day will reinforce our demand that that accountable government should be the cornerstone of South Africa’s hard won democracy.


Issued by SAFCEI.

For further information, contact Liz McDaid (SAFCEI) on 0827315643 or Makoma Lekalakala (Earthlife Africa Johannesburg) 0826829177.