Learning from nature: Part 3 - Water

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Today is the third 'episode’ of a 4-part series of Sunday messages, linked to the theme:  "Learning from nature"

This week we focus on Water.

From water's simultaneous ability to create and destroy, and the diversity of forms and types of water, we can learn that water always finds a way...either below or above, water finds a way to exist and to flow.

As humanity, we do many things that come in the way of our own flourishing, and this sometimes mean that we put up barriers that stops water from 'finding' its way.

We should recognise our own ability to create and destroy, specifically also as it relates to water as a force of nature.

Look at the following posters designed by Rand Water in South Africa that explains the way water is both life and a force of nature:

Water's awesome power asks us to be wise.

Use these posters as discussion points. See if you can spot some of the examples that is described, in your community...maybe start a creative art project and ask people to illustrate how 'water is life' and how 'water is wise'. If you do that, send some pictures of the illustrations when you have it

Have a wise water week!

- The Green Teaching and Learning Community

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