Jewish youth: Let There Be...Stuff? Sessions 1-6

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The Let There Be...Stuff? faith-based teen program is designed for a group of 6-15 youth between 13-18 years old to attend at their house of worship and is led by a facilitator.

The program is organized in six sections:

  1. Caring for Creation – Opening ourselves to the awe and wonder of Creation and our role as Earth stewards.
  2. The Story of Stuff – Revealing the whole Story of Stuff, from cradle to grave, its impact on people and the planet and hearing the call to take action.
  3. An Unfortunate Creation Story – Looking at the specific stories of some of our favorite Stuff: What’s in it, how it was made, how it got to us, and the real cost of production to the planet and people.
  4. Don’t Buy It – Learning how we are being manipulated by the media to keep endlessly consuming and how we can start thinking for ourselves and have more fun.
  5. Waste Not – Learning where our stuff goes when it leaves our hands, the true cost to people and the planet, and how we can reduce our waste.
  6. Going Forth – Celebrating student’s achievement in taking the course and supporting them in taking their next steps as Earth stewards beyond the course.
  • Download Intro here
  • Download Session 1 here
  • Download Session 2 here
  • Download Session 3 here
  • Download Session 4 here
  • Download Session 5 here
  • Download Session 6 here