Have your say on the proposed amendments to the Regulations in the National Nuclear Regulator (NNR) Act

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Have your say on the proposed amendments to the Regulations in the National Nuclear Regulator (NNR) Act (submissions close on 18 August 2020). These proposed amendments set the legal framework for applying under the NNR Act for a nuclear installation license to operate a nuclear installation (such as the Koeberg Nuclear Power Station) beyond the duration contained in its original license.

The government and Eskom are seeking to extend the life of the Koeberg NPS beyond its planned end-of-life. The Koeberg NPS was supposed to be close in 2024, and it is understood that a license to operate it for an additional 20 year will be sought once the regulations are finalised.

Extending the lifespan of the Koeberg plant increases safety, environmental and financial risks.

While the NNR Act makes provision for directly affected persons with 30 days to make representations on a nuclear installation license application, based on previous experience it is a concern that various documents relating to the application are not routinely made available for public comment (such as the safety assessment and/or safety case). It is also relevant to note that the NNR board is empowered, if it is of the opinion that further public debate is necessary, to arrange hearings.

SAFCEI is calling for a #NukeFreeSA that relies on #JustCleanEnergy

Make your submission here: https://dearsouthafrica.co.za/nuclear-regulator-act/

Read more about our Just Clean Energy Campaign and the risks of the Koeberg Power Plant here: http://nuclearcostssa.org/

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