Faith and Indigenous Leaders celebrate Earth Keeper Day

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"In the process of helping the earth to heal, we help ourselves. If we see the earth bleeding from the loss of topsoil, biodiversity, or drought and desertification, and if we reclaim or save what is lost ... the planet will help us in our self-healing and indeed survival. When we can eat healthier, nonadulterated food; when we can breath clean air and drink clean water, when the soil can produce an abundance of vegetables and grains, our own sickness and unhealthly lifestyles become healed. The same values we employ in the service of the earth's replenishment work for us too. We can love ourselves by loving the earth; feel grateful for who we are even as we are grateful for earth's bounty; better ourselves, even as we use that self-empowerment to improve the earth; offer service to ourselves even as we practice volunteerism for the earth."

As part of our Earth Keeper Day celebrations on 14th February, we hosted Earth Keeper Council for Faith and Indigenous Leaders.

The council provided us with a chance to reflect on how we relate to the earth and its living creatures, and an opportunity to pledge a new way of caring for living Earth.