Invitation: Earthkeepers - 100 Conversations

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Earthkeepers: 100 Conversations

Conversations about ourselves, each other and our environment

Now, more than ever, we need to share information and conversation about the environment. Now, more than ever, we need to hear and help ourselves and others.

Be part of the conversations!

Would you like to be part of WhatsApp encounter, for a limited period, to

  • Listen to the earth?
  • Care for our earth?
  • Love our earth?
  • Share our stories?

You may be an active participant, a quiet participant or a silent observer.

100 conversations

In 100 short conversations, we invite you to reflect on questions like:

  • What is your experience of nature?
  • Post a pic of something beautiful in nature and explain it.
  • Post a pic of something disturbing in nature and explain it.
  • Have you ever grown anything? Share a story.
  • What is your experience of the weather?
  • What are your burning questions about the climate?

This is a pilot project, initiated by Safcei and Phoenix Zululand.

It will be conducted in English to start off with.

The project will conclude with an invitation to you to take it forward and facilitate a group of your own using this material.

Join us from 14 February 2023!

If you want to take part, please send us your NAME and CELL NO so you can receive an invitation link to take part. Email Safcei at to participate.

For more information, contact Jane Argall at 082 299 7339 or

The project will be ongoing for about two to three months.