Climate Change Hearings at Parliament

  • Published:

22 September, 12pm

The parliamentary portfolio committee on environmental affairs is holding public hearings on South Africa's climate change position in preparation for climate negotiations at the end of 2015.

FLEAT member Ndivile Mokoena calling for South Africa government to live up to its constitutional responsibility to have an environment that is not harmful to our health. Later in the day, SAFCEI's energy and climate change programme coordinator, Liziwe McDaid, as well as SAFCEI's patron, Bishop Geoff Davies will be presenting on the need for ecological sustainability and the importance of not adopting false solutions to climate change such as nuclear or carbon capture and storage.

Climate Change Hearings at Parliament Bishop Geoff Davies at the Climate Change Hearings at Parliament, 22 September 2015.

Climate Change Hearings Liz McDaid presents at the Climate Change hearings at Parliament, 22 September 2015.

Download SAFCEI's presentation at the Climate Change Hearings here

23 September, 12:30pm

The Giants of the world are turning away from coal. We cannot change from coal overnight but we can have a plan to change. The development model that relies on coal causes poverty. (Presentation by David le Page)

Climate Change Hearings at Parliament David le Page presents at the Climate Change hearings at Parliament, 23 September 2015.