African Coronavirus Stories: Perspectives on COVID-19 Challenges to Livelihoods and Food Systems

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The Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA) has launched a new book entitled "African Coronavirus Stories: Perspectives on COVID-19 Challenges to Livelihoods and Food Systems."

The impact of COVID 19 on food security in Africa has been among the most discussed subjects of the year 2020. Most of the reports were alarming. The headlines put Africa on the brink of an unprecedented humanitarian crisis. Indeed, the pandemic hit Africa when the continent was already under extreme vulnerabilities caused by climate-induced natural disasters, including floods and locust outbreaks.

Despite the suffering of millions of poor and marginalized families, real stories from the ground were rare to find. That is why AFSA ventured to produce human touch stories from the ground, reflecting the devastating hardships of smallholder food producers and workers in Africa.

Click here to download it.