Videos about Fracking

  • Published:

Dolerites – Guardians of the Karoo

A brand-new animation video showing the last +300 million years of the Karoo shale gas basin development and how the emplacement of dolerite intrusions should stop it from being fracked.

  • A film by Dr Stefan Cramer
  • Realization and Production Candice Wainwright
  • Sound Design Bigleap Music and Post
  • A SAFCEI Film

David Kramer - Fracking is not an Option

David Kramer - Fracking is not an Option from Green Renaissance on Vimeo.

The Fracking Façade

The Fracking Façade is an early, short version of “un-earthed”, 24 min

It’s time to look behind the glitzy commercials and PR campaigns.

The “Fracking Facade” seeks to set the record straight by exposing a flawed claim often abused in the sales pitch for promoting shale gas development across the world:

“With a history of 60 years, after nearly a million wells drilled, there are no documented cases that hydraulic fracturing (‘fracking’) has led to the contamination of groundwater.”

Brought to you by the team behind the South African feature documentary, Unearthed, that is investigating natural gas development and the controversial method of extraction known as “fracking” from a global perspective. Should South Africa and other countries drill down?

Fracking Hell – South Africa’s Gas Dilemma

Caught between the promise of prosperity that natural gas extraction in the Karoo Basin might bring and concerns about environmental and health impacts, citizen resistance to fracking is growing in the Republic of South Africa. Earth Focus correspondent Jeff Barbee reports. Learn more about fracking, and find out what you can do. 13 min, English/Afrikaans