Take action: Speak out against uranium mining in the Karoo before 7 September

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The issue of the proposed uranium mining in the Karoo presents an occasion where we should be guided by our faith traditions. As custodians of God’s gifts, we cannot choose profits over people and the environment, but should rather cherish Creation, and work together to preserve it.

We cannot allow uranium mining in the Karoo to happen because:

  • The effects can be catastrophic, harmful and extremely poisonous in the long term to humans, fauna, flora and all the microbes that make up our ecology.
  • Agriculture and uranium mining cannot co-exist in the Karoo landscape. The risks of contamination of agricultural products via dust, water and soil pose unacceptably high risks to the agricultural sector.
  • The health risks caused by exposure to contaminated dust and radioactive gasses associated with uranium mining are well documented.
  • Constitutionally South Africa belongs to all of its citizens. We all have the right to clean air and water; mining will jeopardise our constitutional rights.

SAFCEI works with affected communities in the Karoo and is monitoring uranium mining plans because the potential impact in the Karoo and its links to nuclear energy. Uranium mining is an important link in the chain that could have dire consequences not only for the Karoo where the mining is being proposed, but for many other parts of South Africa – and even Africa, for if uranium mining and nuclear go ahead here, other African nations might well follow suit.

Please join us in objecting to ALL uranium mining in the Karoo so we can increase awareness and pressure against the proposed mines which will destroy livelihoods and severely pollute and damage the natural environment and ground water.

To oppose the proposed uranium mining in Rystkuil (WC10085) and Quaggasfontein (WC10086MR) in the Western Cape, please fill in your details and then click 'Send' below before 7 September 2017.

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