Statement on the Mosque tragedy in New Zealand

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“We are devastated and outraged to hear of the mosque shootings & murders in Christchurch earlier today. New Zealanders are tolerant, kind, and accepting people. We mourn with all of New Zealand with Muslims and with everyone around the world. Terrorism should have no place in the world, and especially not in places of worship. We send our prayers, love and offers of peace to those affected,” says SAFCEI’s Executive Director, Francesca de Gasparis.

Expressing her dismay, Zainab Adams, SAFCEI’s Outreach Coordinator said, “The carnage in Christchurch this morning brings sadness to Muslims all over the world. Islam is religion of peace and humility and it is tragic that the lack of understanding about our faith is still an issue to so many. May Allah (SWT) grant understanding to those responsible for the shooting and may all the deceased be granted the highest place in paradise Insha Allah Ameen. Our prayers are also with their families. From Allah we come and unto Him is our return.”

“Members of SAFCEI, a faith based environment organisation, experience a wonderful sense of respect and common purpose in our work amongst people of different faiths, as we strive to care for the Earth and the whole community of life. We have so much in common but acts of terror committed against members of our human family threaten to tear us apart. If we are to find peace, we must do all we can to challenge religious prejudice and in its place, build communities of trust, understanding, solidarity and compassion,” says Kate Davies, SAFCEI co-founder and Liaison Officer.

Issued by Tamzyn Pamplin, SAFCEI Communications Coordinator. For more information, contact Tamzyn Pamplin on 079-599-7694 (also available on WhatsApp).