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Keynote address by Nnimmo Bassey

We hosted our virtual Annual General Meeting on 25 August 2020 on Zoom.

Thank you to each and every one of you who joined us. Special thanks to Nnimmo Bassey, our keynote speaker. Also, a special thanks to the SAFCEI team for their hard work in making the AGM a success online!

We welcome David Munene to our board of directors.

SAFCEI Board of Directors 2020: Francesca de Gasparis – Executive Director (ex officio member) Kirtanya Lutchminarayan (Hindu) Sister Usha Jevan (Brahma Kumaris) Shaun Cozett (Anglican) Clare Hendry (Church of England in South Africa) Moulana Shuaib Appleby (Muslim) Stephen Jacobs (Jewish) Dr. Braam Hanekom (Dutch Reform Church) David Munene (Catholic)

SAFCEI Board Members 2019 (left).  David Munene (right).

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