River Church for congregations in creation

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The Green Anglicans invitation to join them for a reflective walk with others and with Jesus brought a group of 30 people from different denominations together for a River Church experience. We marveled at the hand of God in Creation, shared His Scriptures and found new meaning in river inspired poetry. For Margie Hare, River Church captured the restorative qualities of rivers, which she now shares with us. River Liesbeek photo by Firends of Liesbeek

I w__as excited by this fresh expression of church. I have never thought of the church as a building, but rather a community of people gathered to seek God wherever they may find themselves. Where better than in the beauty of nature which was so lovingly created by Him for us?

As we sat next to the pristine, clear stream of the Liesbeeck River, we were encouraged to pick up a small pebble from the river, rub it between our fingers and remember the memories we have of the streams and rivers we have enjoyed.  As I asked my Lord Jesus Christ to help me in this, He entered these memories and it became a true healing process for me. Just as this part of the Liesbeeck has been lovingly restored, so He came and gently touched upon those areas in my life where rivers had played such a large part. I was born on the edge of the Kalahari Desert in Botswana, so I know the importance of water.

Some of my youngest memories were of the Okavango Delta where we lived on the banks of the Thamalakane River. Sadness overwhelmed me as I remembered the little girl on the banks of this great river. Memories of a childhood made sad by an ill parent came flooding back.  Jesus gently showed me that He had been with me, even then, and was working out His purposes in my life and clearing out all the ‘dross’.

Drops from the pebble rippled the surface of the Liesbeeck spreading outwards as He took me to those other rivers I had enjoyed in my life.  Life giving rivers for so many different peoples … the  Kavango, Chobe,  Zambezi, Kwando, Luangwa, Kafue, Nile and others.  I gave grateful thanks to a loving Father, who provides in every way for our needs**. If only we would share His resources with others and care about them as He has taught us.”**

At the end of the walk a hat for donations was passed around to show our appreciation for the work, over many years, of Joan Parker, gardener Matthews Moetsi and supporters who have so lovingly restored this part of the Upper Liesbeek for all to enjoy.

We leave you with John Roff’s river poem as we invite you join us in finding joy and inspiration in God’s original scriptures, in Creation.

“I know I am often not transparent,

the muddy torrent of my well- rehearsed defences

obscuring the rocks below,

but I would like to be

as clear and friendly as

a gurgling round-stone stream

contentedly musical and welcoming,

to be as this brook is.”

By John Roff in `With the Earth-Nature Poetry’ published in 2012.

Revd. Rachel Mash a guiding light behind church in Creation invites you to “Vlei Church”, another meditative encounter with God in the beauty of His creation.

Where: Rondevlei Bird Sanctuary

When: Saturday, March 7th at 9am.

For more information contact Rev Mash on rmash@mweb.co.za

Psalm 24:1-2

The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it

The world and all who live in it

For He has founded it upon the seas

And established it on the rivers….

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