Be part of the resistance against corrupt energy decisions

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The Cabinet reshuffle announced by President Zuma last week saw both the Finance Minister, Pravin Gordhan – who has been adamant that the country would not finance nuclear if it was unaffordable – and his deputy being replaced with Malusi Gigaba and Sifiso Buthelezi, respectively. The Minister of Energy has also been replaced, as well as both the Minister and Deputy Minister of Communications, the latter having been a vocal pro nuclear MP on the Energy Portfolio Committee in Parliament.

“This reshuffle positions pro-nuclear supporters in key decision-making positions within government and lays a strong foundation which is aimed at pushing through nuclear, no matter the cost to the people,” says Kumi Naidoo of this move.

SAFCEI and Earthlife Africa have been challenging this nuclear deal that President Zuma is intent to push through at all costs with a court case – heard on 22-24 February 2017 – and now are waiting on the judgement.

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