OWA Africa Summit 2024: A Cornerstone in the Cage-Free Advocacy

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In a significant step towards ending the use of cages in egg production across Africa, the Open Wing Alliance (OWA) hosted its annual Africa Summit from July 16-18, 2024, in Machakos, Kenya. The event, widely touted by attendees as the best OWA Summit to date, brought together 39 dedicated cage-free advocates from 12 African countries, representing 20 OWA organizations under the powerful theme "To End Cages."

Initiated by The Humane League, the OWA has grown into a formidable coalition of over 100 member organizations worldwide. Their shared mission is to create a unified front in the fight against chicken abuse globally. The alliance focuses on sharing campaign strategies, tactics, resources, successes, and challenges in pursuit of their common objective. The primary goal of the OWA is to eliminate cages worldwide, working towards this vision one cage-free policy at a time. With a particular focus on egg-laying hens kept in cruel battery cages, the alliance aims to end the use of these cages by 2030 at the earliest.

The 2024 Africa Summit was meticulously organized, striking a perfect balance between strategic work activities and social engagements. The summit wasn't all work and no play, it was a true blend of strategy and camaraderie. Before the official start, attendees were treated to an afternoon safari walk around the lodge, showcasing the natural beauty of Machakos County. The walk featured a stunning sunset and sightings of local wildlife, including ostriches, springboks, zebras, and elands.

The summit started with high-level discussions, including a case study on the European Union's ban on cages. Participants explored the lessons learned from this campaign and emphasized the importance of stakeholder involvement, from consumers and government to industry regulators and the public. These strategic engagements highlighted the need to address regional challenges faced by African organizations. Alex Suchy, Vice President of Global Programs at OWA, posed a thought-provoking question: "Who has the power to effect real change?" This inquiry underscored the necessity for regional research to identify and tackle specific challenges.

Kick-started by the OWA Africa Lead, Aurelia Adhiambo, the first presentation on the second day of the summit sought to open up a dialogue about what kind of regional strategy Africa needs going forward. This was a good way to start, demonstrating a seamless blend of day one with day two of the summit. Participants also got the opportunity to listen to a presentation by Justine Audemard from Mercy For Animals on the challenges and opportunities of the cage-free transition of global companies in Africa.

The second day featured breakout sessions, including a presentation by SAFCEI’s Cage-Free Campaign Coordinator Zwelisha Shobede on engaging with African multinational companies regarding their cage-free policies. This session sparked insightful conversations on improving corporate engagement in Africa, identifying achievable targets, and determining when to escalate to more assertive tactics in negotiations. After the different breakout rooms, the presenters, Jacob Ayang from Animal Welfare League in Ghana; Zwelisha Shobede from SAFCEI; Alfred Sihwa from Sibanye Trust and Kholi Ndlovu from Nurture Imvelo Trust came back to the main room for a panel discussion and feedback on what happened on their respective breakout rooms.

Mia Fernyhough from The Humane League delivered an insightful presentation on conducting research for cage-free work on the final day. There was an insightful workshop by Amy Wilson from Animal Law Reform South Africa titled "Fowl Play," exposing the egg industry's harmful practices against animals, the environment, and consumers. After the workshop, attendees also participated in role-playing exercises, simulating meetings between cage-free advocates and corporate representatives. These activities aimed to apply research findings and build confidence among campaigners in handling various scenarios during corporate meetings.

The OWA Africa Summit 2024 was more than just a conference; it was a catalyst for change. By bringing together passionate advocates from across the continent, the summit fostered a sense of unity and shared purpose. Attendees left rejuvenated and eager to apply their new knowledge and skills in their respective countries. The event concluded with an evening of networking, games, and a celebration of African music, reinforcing the bonds formed during the summit. As the attendees departed, there was a palpable sense of optimism and determination. The OWA Africa Summit 2024 has set a new benchmark in the cage-free movement, marking a promising step towards a cage-free Africa.

As the movement gains momentum, the impact of this summit will undoubtedly be felt across the continent. With continued collaboration, research, and strategic action, the vision of a cage-free Africa by 2030 seems not just possible, but within reach.

The OWA Africa member organizations are at the forefront of this change, working tirelessly to ensure a more humane future for egg-laying hens across Africa and beyond.