Join us on 19 June for our AGM and a celebration of Goldman Environmental Prize recipients, Liz and Makoma

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Join us on the 19th of June for our Annual General Meeting (AGM) at Community House in Salt River Road, Salt River (here’s a map).

We’ll be looking back at 2017, and also celebrating Liz and Makoma who were awarded this year’s Goldman prize for Africa. For their first public engagement since the prize, they will share their reflections on SAFCEI and Earthlife Africa JHB’s landmark court case win against the government's nuclear energy plans , and their aspirations for our energy future .

The evening's programme:

  • 5:30 pm Arrival, refreshments served
  • 6:00 pm Opening prayers & AGM
  • 7:00 pm Celebratory Supper
  • 7:30 pm In Conversation with Liz & Makoma
  • 8:30 pm Closing prayers

RSVP here (so we know how many people to cater for)

Invite your friends, family, congregation and colleagues - everyone is welcome! We look forward to seeing you there.