IRP 101: An introduction to the Integrated Resource Plan - 28 November 2023

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📣 Join the People's IRP Prep Webinar!

🗓 Date: Tuesday, 28 Nov
🕙 Time: 10am
🔗 Register:

🌍 Learn about the Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) and how it impacts South Africa's energy system. Then help shape it for your community!

⁉ But what is the IRP? The Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) outlines how government plans to ensure our electricity system will be updated to meet electricity demand. Worried about loadshedding? Worried about poverty, unemployment and inequality? Worried about climate disaster? Then let's work together towards a People's IRP!

🎙 Speakers: Cleopatra Shezi & Brandon Abdinor

👥 Your input matters! Join the discussion and prepare with us for the next steps.

📧 Can't attend because of data? Message Ferron on 082 565 2393 by 27 Nov at 5pm for assistance.

If you miss this, more sessions coming soon!

#PeoplesIRP #ClimateJustice #EnergyJustice